Master Builder Magazine: June-July 2024


To keep in line with evolving regulations, the FMB has adapted its

suite of contracts for members. FMB Director of Membership, Hayley Lorimer, explains


T he FMB

Simple Free of jargon Easy to use Clearly structured

and they have been tested in court during disputes – so we know they work. Sometimes members need to use different forms of contracts, but we discourage you from devising your own. You may end up facing a client in court and if key terms have been omitted the contract may be unenforceable. You can’t be too careful. We’ve recently updated our contracts so you should always

download the latest version rather than reusing one that you downloaded previously. What do the FMB contracts cover? basics – client and builder’s contact details, and the project address; work – what you’re going to do, and references to any important documents such as drawings; timings – an estimate of how long the work will

will always encourage you to use a written contract for jobs to achieve

Flexibility is key FMB contracts are flexible, allowing for any changes that occur during a project such as delays and cost fluctuations, which have to be handled clearly and legally so you can get paid what you’re worth. Members have used FMB contracts for many years –

clarity for you and your client, avoid misunderstandings and demonstrate professionalism. Ultimately, written contracts protect your business. That’s why the FMB provides members with template contracts that are free to download. FMB contracts are:


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