Petersen Pet Hospital - February 2023

Spread the Love This Valentine’s Day!

enlarged thyroid gland. Your veterinarian could test the cat’s blood by conducting a T4, which is a level or measurement for the disease. If your cat’s levels come back high, they have the disease. What are the treatment options? Hyperthyroidism can be treated and, in some cases, cured. Most cats react well to treatment and continue to live happy lives. There are four treatment options you and your veterinarian can try. These options include medication, radioactive iodine therapy, surgery, and dietary therapy. Each method has pros and cons, so be sure to discuss these options with your veterinarian to see which is best for you and your furry friend. Here at Petersen Pet Hospital, our veterinarians frequently diagnose hyperthyroidism, and they know the proper ways to treat the disease. So, while it may be nerve-wracking to know that your feline is suffering from this condition, they are in great hands. The next time you’re in the office for your annual exams, complete your cat’s wellness profile. This will allow veterinarians to conduct other tests to spot hyperthyroidism and other health conditions.

Make the Most of the Holiday

Valentine’s Day is all about showing your dear ones extra love. But you don’t always have to focus on those close to you. Love can be shared with everyone — friends, coworkers, or the community! Here are some ways you and your family can spread the love this holiday. Make a homemade meal or some goodies. They always say a way to a person’s heart is through their stomach! Everyone loves a warm, homemade meal, and it can be fun to get the entire family involved. Gather the ingredients of your favorite dish and make something tasty for your local fire or police department. These people work daily to keep us safe, and a simple gesture like this may bring a smile to their faces and remind them they are appreciated. Also, kids love helping out in the kitchen, so consider baking homemade cookies — or getting the store-bought kind; we don’t judge! Let the kids decorate them with festive Valentine’s designs to bring to school for their classmates and teachers! Get crafty. Nothing is more special than a one-of-a-kind card. Grab some construction paper, markers, glitter, stickers — the works — and have the kids make Valentine’s Day cards! You can work with various organizations to send letters to U.S. troops serving overseas, veteran hospitals, or nursing facilities that would enjoy receiving a handmade card. Fill them with positive words, smiley faces, hearts, and lots of love! You could even send their cards in a Valentine’s Day-themed care package. But be sure to follow the rules of the organizations you work with. Volunteer or donate. Do you have any gently used clothing, shoes, blankets, or extra personal hygiene items? Make your way to the local Goodwill, church, or shelter that accepts donations. You could call around to see if any shelters or organizations need helping hands! This is also a great way to spread the love your kids can participate in. Check to see if they need help serving food or if you can prepare or drop off warm meals to those who need them most. You can find many ways to express love and kindness to those you love or complete strangers. No matter how you spend this day, remember to spread the love to everyone!

INGREDIENTS • 2 eggs •

• •

1/2 cup dried cranberries 3–4 tbsp coconut flour

1 1/2 cups almond flour

1 tbsp coconut oil


Preheat oven to 325 F.


In a small bowl, beat eggs and set aside.

3. In a separate bowl, combine almond flour, coconut oil, and dried cranberries. 4. Once combined, pour in eggs and mix with your hands. (The dough will be very wet.) 5. Add coconut flour 1 tbsp at a time; mix well after each addition. You want to achieve a consistency that is easy to roll, is not super sticky, and easily forms a ball. 6. Roll out dough and cut treats using bite-size cookie cutters. Tip: Sprinkle a little coconut flour on top of your dough to keep it from sticking to the cookie cutters. 7. On a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper, place your treats. Bake for 15–18 minutes or until crisp. Let cool before giving to your pooch!


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