“What purpose am I if I am not benefiting others”?
- Lena Anthony
Born and raised in Philly now a Los Angeles native, Lena Anthony is a committed wife, mother, youth pastor, entrepreneur, actress, producer, designer and life-coach. As a mother of three, Lena birthed the MomFit4Purpose movement through her pain and new way of life.
Lena Anthony pictured with husband, Todd Anthony, and their three children.
MomFit4Purpose is a community that unites mothers on their road to becoming the best versions of theirselves; from MOMBOD to MOMFIT. From pregnancy, post partum and beyond, we are moms empowering each other spiritually, mentally, and physically.
Through Momfit4Purpose and The Lena Anthony Collection, Lena has taken the fitness and fashion world to a new level by empowering women everywhere to always walk boldly in their purpose and look good while on their path of destiny.
Be sure to stay connected to Lena Anthony as she empowers you to walk boldly into your purpose in every area of your life.
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