KLI New Hires!
Institute Team : Davis Eglin ‘26 Hometown: Baton Rouge, LA Major: Government with a Leadership Sequence Fun Fact: I have experienced ve category 3 or worse hurri- canes.
Research Team (cont.) :
Gabie Ong ‘25 Hometown: Manila, Philippines Major: Economics and Psychology Fun Fact: I can sing the alphabet backwards faster than I can sing it forwards. Andy Tu ’24 Hometown: Shanghai, China Major: International Relations and Economics Fun Fact: One of the most inspirational books I read is Byron Pitts “Step Out on Nothing.” Sonya (Siqi) Deng ‘26 Hometown: Shanghai, China Major: 3+2 Economics and Engineering Fun Fact: I love gure skating and rhythmic gymanstics! Quin Mumford PITZER ‘24 Hometown: Norman, OK Major: Biology and Organizational Studies Double Major Alexander Broegger ’24 Hometown: Hong Kong Major: Economics with a Data Science sequence Fun Fact: I am half-Danish, half-Malaysian Chinese, raised in Hong Kong, Germany, and the Netherlands.
Kate Bhatt ’26 Hometown: Boston, MA Major: Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) Fun Fact: I am obsessed with bulldogs.
Alex Dien ‘25 Hometown: San Jose, CA Major: Economics and Psychology Dual; with a Data Science sequence Fun Fact: I love playing board games! Russel Kuan ‘25: Hometown: Hong Kong Major: Economics-Accounting with a Data Science sequence Fun Fact: In my free time, I love to DJ! Ava Kopp ’25 Hometown: Los Altos, CA Major: Cognitive Science with a Leadership Sequence Fun Fact: My favorite animals are bears.
Nicole Cepeda ‘25 Hometown: New York, NY
Research: Celine Wang ‘26 Hometown: Shanghai, China Major: International Relations and Economics Fun Fact: X is not my middle initial...it’s actually my middle name. Ruiyang Viola Ni ’25 Hometown: Shanghai, China Major: Economics and Engineering Fun Fact: I am a big procastinator, but I always get things done in time.
Madeline Dornfeld ‘25 Hometown: St. Louis, MO Major: Government and History
Julia Mehlman ’25 Hometown: Bethesda, MD Major: Philosophy and Public Aairs Fun Fact: I try to do at least one crossword a day. I’ ve also met a few former Presidents.
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