KLI Fall 2022 Newsletter


Research Team Updates

Evaluation and Assessment: Members: Joyce Kim, Mia Nelson, Shiah Sarkowsky Purpose: To assess and evaluate the leadership assessments and reections curated from KLI. Accomplishments: Collected data in order to analyze the leadership assessment from KLI. Currently working on clean- ing the data and testing its internal validity. Future Goals: Finish checking the internal validity of the leadership assessment. Start analyzing the reections, leader- ship coaching, and other leadership tools that KLI utilizes Flight League: Members: Izzy Sakoda, Viola Ni, Celine Wang Purpose: Design a character building and leadership development curriculum for the United States Fight League. Accomplishments: We created the rst iteration of content and brainstormed new app concept. Future Goals: We hope to create a visually engaging deliverable of our curriculum.

Women and Leadership: Members: Leyna Hong, Kaavya Narayan, Siqi (Sonya) Deng, Quin Mumford

Purpose: Our research is focused on understanding the aect of role models on women's aspirations to lead. Accomplishments: We have been conducting experiments and collecting data for about a year and are close to reach- ing our goal of roughly 90 experiments conducted. Future Goals: We plan to code and analyze our data in the next semester to potentially present at the Western Psycho- logical Association Conference. Corporate Leadership: Member: Tatum Hall Purpose: Our purpose was to research the role that Empathy plays in successful corporate leadership. Accomplishments: Last spring our team presented a poster at the Western Psychological Association Conference in Portland, Oregon. This fall I have worked on compiling those same results into a larger paper. Future Goals: Into the spring I plan to nalize the paper with the goal of submitting it to academic journals. Early Career Success: Members: Katie Chen, Jay Maliye, Hannah Doyle, Max Jackman Purpose: Determine the most signicant contributors to early career success for CMC graduates, taking into account major extra curriculars and sports. Accomplishments: We have gathered and cleaned our data set, both from LinkedIn proles and the school data on students. Future Goals: Finish merging our data sets. Run statistical regression tests to nd signicance in the data and write a paper summarizing the results. Race and Leadership: Members: Danielle Klappstein, Belinda Wang, Gabie Ong, Andy Tu Purpose: The purpose of the race and leadership team is to investigate how race inuences college students' percep- tion of leadership in the context of The Claremont Colleges. Accomplishments: This semester we nalized the hypotheses, study design and method for our research project. We successfully integrated two new members into the inner workings of our student team. Future Goals: Next semester we are hoping to submit the IRB application for our project by the end of January. We are planning on implementing our study on SONA system for the rest of the semester after receiving the approval from the IRB. Military Leadership Members: Alexander Broegger, Madeline Dornfeld, Julia Mehlman Purpose: To investigate leadership in the military space. Accomplishments: We chose a leadership topic and conducted a literature review of military leadership. Future Goals: We hope to establish a specic area of interest and begin research.

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