KLI Fall 2022 Newsletter


KLI’s Women in Leadership Development Initiative This year marks the second year of the Women in Leadership Development Initiative. Generously funded by Tom and Susan Handley and Cascade Asset Management, the Women in Leadership Development (WLD) Initiative is a year-long opportunity for 30 CMC women that fosters confidence, builds awareness, and develops leadership. Through the WLD Initiative at CMC, students who identify as women will learn and develop skills and strategies to support their leadership development at CMC and beyond. The initiative consists of a series of WLD activities throughout the year, which include a retreat, workshops, leadership circles, and one-on- one leadership coaching. The Student Advisors, as well as Dr. Tan, KLI's Director of Internships and KLI research, and Marilyn Pierce, Assistant Director at KLI, are excited to see what this year has to offer! We can’t wait to see the 30 new fellows’ development and growth over this year! The fellows have been hard at work already and learning all about how to become an effective leader !

WLD Student Advisors Hailey Kang ’24 Joyce Kim '24 Yesenia Rodriguez '23 Aileen Zheng ' 23

WLD Kick-Off Retreat: This year’s retreat brought together Handley Leadership Fellows, WLD student advisors, Marilyn Pierce, and Dr. Sherylle Tan. The F ellows began their leadership development journey by developing connections with one another, learning key leadership concepts, and exploring issues of women and leadership. The purpose of the retreat is to foster a community of peer support and a sense of belonging to create a psychologically safe environment for women leaders to grow and thrive. Workshop 1: Embrace Your Inner Leader This workshop focused on how women develop a leader identity, what impedes them from seeing themselves as leaders, and engaging in practices to overcome barriers to support leader identity development .

Workshop 2: Navigating Gender Bias This workshop focused on helping women learn how to navigate gender bias.

Bonding Event! The fellows attended a screening of the movie “Call Jane” at the Laemmle Theatre in the village of Claremont. This movie celebrates the magic of audacious women, and the fellows walked away learning more about the history of abortion rights in the US, and the impact of brave women in the space.

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