Getting Kristal Klear on Tackling Mental Health and Abuse
Mental Health is a Hot topic. Well -at least it should be. As we move forward as a nation recovering from a worldwide pandemic, one thing is for sure, keeping up with your Mental Health is essential. Kristal Clark (Kristal Klear), CEO/Founder of the Rock Paper Scissors Foundation (RPS), decided not to sit on the bench during this conversation. She has made it a point to take the lead using her voice and platform with her nonprofit and Trauma Coaching. What is Rock Paper Scissors Foundation? Glad you asked. ROCK! No matter what you throw at me. PAPER! No matter how you try to crumble me. SCISSORS! No matter how you try to cut me down." I AM AN OVERCOMER! We give a voice to those silenced by any form of sexual, emotional, or physical abuse, human trafficking awareness, and prevention.
Kristal Klear is personally familiar with the pain, trauma, mental battles, and healing associated with being a survivor of abuse. She has dedicated her life to helping others break their silence and walk the often-rocky road to healing and recovery. She is an expert in handling cases of human trafficking, trauma care, sexual abuse, child abuse, and mental health issues. As an expression of her deep desire to help the victims, whom she often refers to as "overcomers," she created "Healing Beyond Sexual Misconduct." This curriculum focuses on the appropriate way to handle sexual misconduct from a leadership position. It covers taking on the media, do's & don'ts of advocacy, empathy, compassion fatigue, confidentiality, and more. The training brings leaders the verbiage and courage to face this issue head-on. What separates Rock Paper Scissors Foundation from other groups is its organic sense of providing community awareness, making a global impact, and unifying all walks of life. At the same time, the organization's mission involves women, men, girls, and boys. They tend to connect primarily with women who have overcome all forms of abuse, human trafficking, and domestic violence. Another thing separating Rock Paper Scissors Foundation and Kristal Klear is Kristal's prophetic voice. It plays a significant role in changing the course of life for anyone who experiences her transparently speaking, but especially her coaching clients. Kristal and her team motivate others using one of her favorite slogans, "We can't do anything about the past, but we sure can do something about the future." The thought of the future keeps Kristal and Rock Paper Scissors Foundation on the move. They are determined to make a more significant impact nationally and internationally through programming, current affairs, community activism, resources, education, and conferences. They are focused not only on impacting the community but also on the government level. Recently Kristal Klear fought for a bill to be passed regarding human trafficking. While this bill is for all trafficking victims and survivors, "it is more specifically for our brown girls left behind in the conversation of trafficking and missing persons. Our goal is to make them feel seen and heard by offering them the protection, attention, and the voice they need. @Rockpaperscissorsfoundation Kristal Klear Kristalklear.org
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