

On October 27 VOTE

Born to Hunt, grand vainqueur

tourés de leur famille, ils ont sauté de joie lorsque l’animateur a prononcé leur nom en direct à la télévision. Born to Hunt a reçu deux fois plus de votes que l’équipe arrivée en deuxième place. Pour partager leur joie avec la population d’Embrun, les garçons ont organisé une soirée de dégustation de viandes sauvages à laquelle le maire de Rus- sell, Jean-Paul St. Pierre, a tenu à assister, et où plus de 150 personnes se sont données !èrement rendez-vous. L’équipe aura la chance de lancer sa propre série de 13 épisodes qui débute sur les ondes de Wild TV au printemps 2015. Prochaine étape? Une percée sur le mar- ché nord-américain.


Donald St-Pierre FOR MAYOR Township of Russell

Les grands gagnants d’une émission de chasse présentée sur la chaîne Wild TV sont Embrunois. L’équipe de quatre chasseurs appelée Born to Hunt s’était inscrite l’an dernier en présentant une série de vidéos de leurs ex- ploits qui ont été di$usées à travers le pays au cours de l’année. Et ce n’est qu’au mois d’août dernier qu’ils ont su qu’ils étaient les grands gagnants. Assis dans leur salon tous ensembles, en-

Born and raised in theMarionville area, Donald St-Pierre hasworked as a local contractor in the area for over 40 years. He has also served as councillor of the Township of Russell from 2006 to 2010. Open-minded, trustworthy, Donald is always open to new ideas. Here is an overview of his priorities Give volunteers back their rightful place in the community Community facilities used to be run by volunteers. We need to give them back the keys to what is rightfully theirs, the community facilities that they helped build and improve. Last year, the township decided to renovate the kitchen at the Embrun community centre. These renova- tions, however, were inadequate as they did not take into account com- munity group requirements. We need to maintain taxes at an acceptable level Taxes have been increasing year after year. If tax levels continue to rise in this manner, our children and grandchildren will leave our communities to go live elsewhere where life is not as expensive. This will also have an impact on our capacity to attract newcomers. We need two state-of-the-art libraries in the township The village of Russell has a beautiful and wonderful library that is well located and easily accessible. The Embrun library, however, is nestled in the middle of an elementary school. This makes no sense. Embrun residents should be able to enjoy the same type of facility as Russell residents do. Transparency is essential A few years ago, the township made an agreement with a local develop- er that led to the destruction of part of the Parc Richelieu, a park located near the river on Ste-Marie road and whose tall trees were planted by Embrun’s youth some 40 years ago. The exact nature of the agreement remains unclear. The same applies to the agreement between a local developer and the township regarding the construction of the new Em- brun fire hall. Township needs to be transparent and forthcoming when such “agreements” are made with local developers. We need to strongly oppose the Taggart-Miller project The current township’s opposition to Taggart-Miller’s proposed Capital Region Resource Recovery Centre in the North Russell-Carlsbad Springs area has been tepid at the most. We need to strongly oppose this project and any project that jeopardizes our environment, our quality of life and our property value. We must improve our roads Over 1,000 construction permits have been issued in the last few years. Our roads, however, are not able to handle such an increase in tra!c. We need to take a careful look at the situation and make quick improve- ments, including the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of St-Guillaume, St-Pierre and Burton, near the 417. We must extend the water supply system to the Vars industrial park We need to extend the water supply system to the Vars industrial park if we want to attract new industries and new businesses to this area. For more information about my platform, please contact me. 613-443-8298

Photo Annie Lafortune

Au centre, le maire Jean-Paul St.Pierre et l’un des commanditaires de l’équipe, Éric Brisson, de Oligo Groupe, tenaient à prendre part à cette soirée en compagnie des vainqueurs Martin Marion, Miguel Bélisle, Éric Labelle et Éric Marion. Heel ‘n wheel raises $62,000 The annual Heel ‘n Wheel walkathon to raise funds for the Winchester and District Memorial Hospital Foundation raised $62,000 on Saturday, September 6. Over 50 participants spent Saturday, September 6 battling rain and uneven ground to com- plete their chosen Heel ’n Wheel route. Combined, these participants raised $62, 482.17, to be designated to the WDMH Foundation’s Cancer Fund. The event day was a culmination of a summer’s worth of training and fundraising, although the weather was less than favourable. This walk is held the !rst Saturday of every Sep- tember, and includes a coordinated e$ort to have walkers and cyclists leave from each of the starting locations (which change every year) and walk towardsWinches- ter. It is open to all ages. Heel‘nWheel was born as a result of local residents’interest in continuing the impact that the Walk to end Womens Cancers had, but shift the bene!ciary to our local Hospital, WDMH. All of the funds from this event have bene- !tted the Foundation’s Cancer Fund, totalling over $200,000 in just three years. (CV)


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