Changing doors and windows is one of a ho m e owner’s biggest m aintenance in- vest m ents, apart fro m replacing a roof. Style, co m fort, and price are the three de- ter m ining factors when it co m es to choos- ing new doors and windows. Style Firstly, let the overall style of your home guide you. If the house has a rustic look, you may want to opt for windows with small panes. If your house has stone siding and natural materials prevail, you’ll probably prefer wood. And lastly, if you have a mo- dern home, you’ll probably want to focus on metallic or coloured #nishes. Chaque automne, les propriétaires doivent voir à l’entretien de leur résidence pour bien traverser la saison froide. Mais en plus de la maison, vous devez aussi vous occuper du terrain, de la terrasse et du jar- din! Ces tâches nécessiteront tout au plus quelques heures de votre temps, mais elles assureront beauté et longévité à tout ce qui compose votre espace de vie extérieur. Tout d’abord, si votre terrasse est sale, nettoyez-la à fond avec une brosse à soie ri- gide, a#n d’éviter que la saleté ne s’incruste davantage pendant l’hiver. Si cela n’est pas su%sant, utilisez une laveuse à pression. Le printemps venu, vous n’aurez qu’à e$ec- tuer un lavage léger de votre terrasse pour pouvoir pro#ter de la chaleur du soleil! Si vous n’avez pas su%samment de
place pour entrer vos meubles de jardin dans la remise ou le garage, couvrez-les d’une housse de qualité. De nos jours, le mobilier de jardin est imposant, élégant et parfois coûteux, il faut donc en prendre soin si on veut protéger son investisse- ment. Assurez-vous que les housses sont solidement installées, pour qu’elles ne s’en- volent pas lors des vents hivernaux! Faites de même pour votre barbecue. Côté jardin, veillez à couper le gazon à une hauteur de cinq centimètres — c’est l’idéal pour passer l’hiver — et pratiquez l’herbirecyclage! Il s’agit tout simplement de laisser les rognures de gazon au sol après la tonte. Vous pouvez faire de même avec les feuilles mortes. La tondeuse les déchi- quette au fur et à mesure qu’elles tombent The model of window has an impact on the look: t tTMJEJOHXJOEPXUXPTVQFSJNQPTFE frames that slide from left to right or both ways hung window: two superimposed frames that slide upwards casement window: opens with a crank t t awning window: the frame pivots up and down Comfort The insulation a window provides is a major factor where the overall comfort of your home is concerned. Consumers can t
choose double or triple glazing. With triple glazing, the third glass panel reduces heat loss even more and reduces condensation and noise. The air between the layers of glass is a good insulator, but sometimes gas (krypton or argon) is inserted between the panes to provide better insulation. However, this e$ect diminishes over time, as the gas eventually escapes. A low emission (low-E) coating can be added to the window. This coating comes in the form of a low-emissi- vity #lm, which lets the sun’s rays in but pre- vents heat from escaping. You should also check the spacers that separate the two or three panes of glass. The spacers surround the windows and make them waterproof. It is important to ensure that they have low conductivity, or, in other words, that they are non-metallic. These inserts help to reduce condensation at the bottom of the windows and prevent the glass from becoming excessively cold. Weather-stripping seals both doors and windows against rain and dust and mini- mizes air leaks in moving joints. Price Energy Star products are certi#ed as the most energy e%cient. They may be a bit more expensive, but you’ll save at least 10 percent on your heating costs. Doors and windows must be installed level, plumb, and square. This work should be done carefully, ideally by a quali#ed carpenter. Also, many companies, whether manufacturers or retailers, install the doors and windows they sell. They tend to ensure the job is done well, as their reputation de- pends on it.
Changing the doors and windows is one of the biggest maintenance investments you can make in your home.
Poorly installed doors and windows can cause heat loss, be di%cult to open, cause water in#ltration, and other additional ex- penses. Dealing with professionals is always well worth the extra cost.
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