CUPE strike talk surprises mayor ACTUALITÉ * NEWS
Hall. "It seems like the hands of the municipal negotiating committee are tied," Bézaire said, "which suggests that the problem lies higher up the ladder at City Hall." Guibord denied the allegation. He said the negotiating committee was given the minimum and maximum limits council had decided on for wage and other benefit im- provements in a new contract. “We did not influence more than that,” he said. The mayor also called last month’s CUPE strike vote as a surprise to City Hall. ”We have done everything we could,” he said. “It makes us look not too good. But we have nothing to feel sorry about.” He expressed hope that the mediator will be able to work out a settlement between both sides. “We are definitely not for a strike. In the end, everybody loses.”
ROCKLAND | Mayor Marcel Guibord de- nies that anyone has put a muzzle on negotiators for the City of Clarence-Rock- land in its current contract dealings with city workers. “Contrary to what they say,” Guibord said during an interview Jan. 9, “those responsi- ble for representing the community’s inter- est do not ‘have their hands tied’.” The city and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) are dealing with a pro- vincially-appointed mediator after a recent round of contract talks ended in a deadlock. CUPE spokesman Jean-Marc Bézaire stated in media interviews his belief that the city’s negotiating committee was hampered at the bargaining table by directives from City
The article in the January 9 edition of the Vision, “C-R workers ready to strike for new contract”, contained an error. The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) does represent the City of Clarence- Rockland’s clerical and other “white collar” workers and most of its “blue collar” workers. But the staff employed for garbage collection, while they are CUPE members, are covered by a separate contract than the one at present subject to negotiation between the city and the union. These city workers are not affected by the current bargaining talks and thus may not be
subject to a strike mandate. The Vision regrets the error..
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