GARN® GN2000 WHS | Owner's Manual

GARN ® WHS 1000 AND WHS 2000 Owner’s Manual

This manual is updated periodically as c ontinual product improvements are made. It is common for the manual to have minor revisions a couple of times per year. For the latest version of this ma nual, visit

Manufacturer: HY-C Company LLC • 10950 Linpage Place St. Louis, MO 63132 800-875-4788 •

©2024 HY-C Company LLC. All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of HY-C Company LLC.


GARN® WHS 1000 and WHS 2000 Manual | © HY-C® Company LLC | October 2024


Thank you for purchasing GARN® equipment. Carefully read this manual. It contains instructions about how to unpack, install, operate, and maintain your GARN® WHS. Please compare your packing list with the delivered items. Contact your dealer, HY-C ® Company LLC, and shipper immediately if any items are missing or damaged. Table of Contents A. WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF GARN® WOOD HEATING ............................................................................................ 6 GARN® WHS WOOD HEATING PACKAGE (STANDARD) ...........................................................................................................6 GARN® WHS ELECTRIC HEATING PACKAGE (OPTIONAL) .........................................................................................................6 OVERVIEW OF GARN® COMPONENTS: WHS-1500V/2000V ...................................................................................................7 OVERVIEW OF GARN® COMPONENTS: WHS-1000V (J UNIOR ) ..................................................................................................8 OVERVIEW OF GARN® CONTROLS ..........................................................................................................................................9 B. CODES, INSURANCE, AND SAFETY SYMBOLS ............................................................................................................ 10 C. UNPACKING AND ASSEMBLY ..................................................................................................................................... 11 FACTORY PREINSTALLED ITEMS .............................................................................................................................................11 MANWAY COVER AND GASKET ............................................................................................................................................11 WHERE IS THE GARN® MANWAY COVER? ............................................................................................................................12 SPLIT COVER .....................................................................................................................................................................12 ALIGNING THE COMBUSTION DOOR ....................................................................................................................................13 SQUARING THE INNER DOOR TO THE UNIT ..................................................................................................................... 13 ALIGNING THE HANDLE WITH LATCH BOLT .....................................................................................................................13 ADJUSTING THE DOOR SEAL ............................................................................................................................................13 INDUCED DRAFT FACE MOUNTED BLOWER ASSEMBLY .......................................................................................................14 D. INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................................................................... 17 UNIT PLACEMENT ................................................................................................................................................................. 17 CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES ....................................................................................................................................... 17 CLEARANCE TO CEILING ...................................................................................................................................................18 GARAGE PLACEMENT .......................................................................................................................................................19 REMOTE BUILDING PLACEMENT & SLAB REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................... 20 SETTING THE UNIT ..... . ..................................................................................................................................................... 21 HOT WATER RETURN ASSEMBLY……………………………………………………………………………………………….……….………........…………….. 21 BYPASS/SIDE-STREAM FILTER INSTRUCTIONS .......................................................................................................................23 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS .........................................................................................................................................24 ALLOWABLE FLOWRATE AND SPECIFICATION OF THE BYPASS FILTER ............................................................................. 24 PIPING CONFIGURATIONS ................................................................................................................................................24 INDEPENDENT CIRCUIT PIPE CONFIGURATIONS ..............................................................................................................25 HOW TO TELL IF THE FILTER IS WORKING ........................................................................................................................26 WHEN TO REPLACE THE FILTER ........................................................................................................................................ 26 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 26 COMBUSTION AIR INLET ........................................................................................................................................................27 MAXIMUM LENGTH AND NUMBER OF ELBOWS...............................................................................................................27 WALL LOCATION REQUIREMENTS (HORIZONTAL EXHAUST) ............................................................................................28 WALL LOCATION REQUIREMENTS (VERTICAL EXHAUST) ..................................................................................................28


GARN® WHS 1000 and WHS 2000 Manual | © HY-C® Company LLC | October 2024

INLET HOOD INSTALLATION WITH LAP OR UNEVEN SIDING............................................................................................. 29 CONNECTING THE AIR INLET DUCT AT THE GARN® UNIT ................................................................................................. 30 ADDITIONAL AIR INLET FOR MAKEUP AIR IN A RELATIVELY “AIR TIGHT” BUILDING (INCLUDES MULTIPLE UNIT INSTALLATION) .................................................................................................................................................................. 31 AIR INTAKE DAMPER.............................................................................................................................................................. 32 INSTALLING THE AIR INTAKE DAMPER .............................................................................................................................. 32 INSULATING THE AIR INTAKE DAMPER ............................................................................................................................. 32 WIRING THE AIR INTAKE DAMPER .................................................................................................................................... 35 ELECTRIC HEATING PACKAGE INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................ 36 SPARK ARRESTOR .................................................................................................................................................................. 36 INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................................................................. 37 INSPECTION AND CLEANING ............................................................................................................................................ 38 EXHAUST FLUE INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................... 39 GENERAL NOTES (READ THIS FIRST).................................................................................................................................. 39 WHERE TO BUY FLUE ........................................................................................................................................................ 41 CONNECTING THE FLUE TO THE UNIT............................................................................................................................... 42 FLUE GAS DISCHARGE CLEARANCES ................................................................................................................................. 45 HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL FLUE ........................................................................................................................................... 46 EXTERNAL VERTICAL FLUE USING AN EXTERIOR TEE ........................................................................................................ 47 INTERNAL VERTICAL FLUE ................................................................................................................................................. 48 VERTICAL FLUE - HEIGHT ABOVE NEARBY BUILDING COMPONENTS ............................................................................... 48 CONNECTION TO A MASONRY CHIMNEY .......................................................................................................................... 48 MAXIMUM FLUE LENGTH (HORIZONTAL RUN AND VERTICAL HEIGHT) ........................................................................... 50 INSULATING YOUR GARN® .................................................................................................................................................... 52 AMOUNT OF INSULATION................................................................................................................................................. 52 ENCLOSURE CONSTRUCTION METHOD............................................................................................................................. 53 GARN® WHS/ETS DIGITAL CONTROLLER................................................................................................................................ 54 IDENTIFYING YOUR BOARD REVISION............................................................................................................................... 55 IDENTIFYING YOUR CHIP REVISION................................................................................................................................... 55 INSTALLING THE GARN® WHS/ETS DIGITAL CONTROLLER................................................................................................ 56 REV A WIRING PICTURES .................................................................................................................................................. 58 REV C AND REV D WIRING PICTURES ............................................................................................................................... 60 EXTENDING THE SENSOR WIRES ....................................................................................................................................... 61 DO NOT MODIFY THE DIGITAL CONTROLLER OR ADD ADDITIONAL COMBUSTION CONTROLS .......................................61 LOW WATER CUT-OFF AND TANK TEMPERATURE SENSOR STEM .................................................................................... 62 PIPING YOUR GARN® ............................................................................................................................................................. 65 WARNINGS WHEN CONNECTING TO AN EXISTING SYSTEM OR GLYCOL TREATED SYSTEM .............................................65 E. FILLING AND WATER TREATMENT .............................................................................................................................66 STEP 1 – FILL WATER SAMPLE TEST ....................................................................................................................................... 66 STEP 2 - CLEANING ................................................................................................................................................................ 67 STEP 3 - TREATMENT ............................................................................................................................................................ 68 STEP 4 – INITIAL FOLLOW-UP ................................................................................................................................................ 69 STEP 5 – LONG TERM FOLLOW-UP ........................................................................................................................................ 69 EXAMPLE WATER TESTING SCHEDULE................................................................................................................................... 70 CORROSION – WHO’S RESPONSIBLE? .................................................................................................................................... 71 NOTES ON PREVENTING CORROSION, COMMON TYPES OF CORROSION, AND WATER QUALITY ......................................... 72 PROPER CONNECTIONS AND GROUNDING....................................................................................................................... 72 WATER POLLUTION FROM RURAL WELLS ......................................................................................................................... 72 POLYPHOSPHATES AND GARN ® FILL WATER .................................................................................................................... 72 COMMON TYPES OF BOILER CORROSION ........................................................................................................................ 73 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES TO MINIMIZE CORROSION POTENTIAL .................................................................................. 74


GARN® WHS 1000 and WHS 2000 Manual | © HY-C® Company LLC | October 2024

GLYCOL IN STEEL WATER TANKS ............................................................................................................................................75 HOW TO CLEAN A GARN ® UNIT (SAVING THE TREATED WATER) ...........................................................................................75 F. ELECTRIC ISOLATION AND PROPER GROUNDING TO PREVENT ELECTROLYSIS CORROSION....................................... 78 UNDIRECTED CURRENT - TERMINOLOGY ..............................................................................................................................78 CORROSION FROM UNDIRECTED CURRENT .........................................................................................................................78 PROTECTION METHODS (OPTIONS FOR PROTECTION) .........................................................................................................79 FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS .............................................................................................................................................. 79 FOR NEW CUSTOMERS ..................................................................................................................................................... 79 ELECTRIC ISOLATION ............................................................................................................................................................. 79 IF ELECTRIC HEATING ELEMENTS ARE INSTALLED ............................................................................................................ 79 LOW VOLTAGE SENSORS .................................................................................................................................................. 79 AIR INTAKE DAMPER ........................................................................................................................................................ 80 UNITS WITHOUT ELECTRIC HEATING ELEMENTS ..................................................................................................................80 FULL ISOLATION (OPTION 1)..............................................................................................................................................80 SINGLE POINT GROUNDING (OPTION 2) .......................................................................................................................... 82 UNITS WITH ELECTRIC HEATING ELEMENTS .........................................................................................................................84 MOTOR ISOLATION BUSHINGS INSTALLATION .....................................................................................................................85 G. OPERATION ............................................................................................................................................................... 87 STARTING A FIRE ....................................................................................................................................................................87 CONDENSATION LEAK POINTS DURING COLD FIRING............................................................................................................89 OVERVIEW OF THE DIGITAL CONTROLLER .............................................................................................................................89 DIGITAL READOUT ............................................................................................................................................................ 90 OPERATIONAL SAFETY GUIDE ................................................................................................................................................91 APPROVED FUELS...................................................................................................................................................................91 OPERATION AT HIGHER ALTITUDES .......................................................................................................................................92 H. MAINTENANCE.......................................................................................................................................................... 93 BLOWER WHEEL GASKET/WHEEL REPLACEMENT & REMOVAL (AS NECESSARY) ................................................................. 93 ASH REMOVAL (FREQUENTLY) ............................................................................................................................................... 95 HEAT EXCHANGER/FLUE TUBE CLEANING (1 PER YEAR OR AS NECESSARY) ......................................................................... 95 CHIMNEY CLEANING (1 PER YEAR OR AS NECESSARY) .......................................................................................................... 95 CLEANOUT COVER GASKETS (AS NECESSARY) ....................................................................................................................... 96 PREVENTING THE CLEANOUT GASKETS FROM STICKING ............................................................................................. . ..... 97 CLEAN BLOWER MOTOR (2 PER YEAR) ................................................................................................................................... 98 COMBUSTION AIR INTAKE HOOD (FREQUENTLY) .................................................................................................................. 98 FUEL LOADING DOOR GASKET (EVERY 5 YEARS)....................................................................................................................98 MANWAY COVER GASKET (1 PER YEAR OR AS NECESSARY) – SPUN MANWAY ONLY ......................................................... 100 FIREBRICK REPLACEMENT (AS NECESSARY) ..........................................................................................................................102 SECONDARY REACTION CHAMBER (SRC) (EVERY 5 TO 10 YEARS) ....................................................................................... 103 SPRING SHUTDOWN/WET LAYUP (END OF HEATING SEASON) ...........................................................................................104 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................................... 105 I. TROUBLE SHOOTING ...... . ......................................................................................................................................... 106 DIGITAL CONTROLLER .......................................................................................................................................................... 106 LACK OF HEAT IN BUILDING ................................................................................................................................................. 106 DRAFT INDUCER FAILS TO OPERATE..................................................................................................................................... 106 NOISY BLOWER WHEEL ........................................................................................................................................................ 106


GARN® WHS 1000 and WHS 2000 Manual | © HY-C® Company LLC | October 2024

PUFFING DURING OPERATION ...................................................................................... ................................................... 107 PLACEMENT OF OPTIONAL PRIMARY AIR CONTROL FIREBRICK ................................................................................... 108 IN CASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER FAILURE ......................................................................................................................... 109 FORMATION OF SMOKE OR CREOSOTE ............................................................................................................................ 109 SMELL OF SMOKE .............................................................................................................................................................. 109 EXCESSIVE WATER CONSUMPTION .................................................................................................................................. 109 CORROSION OF THE STORAGE TANK ................................................................................................................................ 110 EXCESSIVE WOOD USE ...................................................................................................................................................... 110 J. GARN® WHS DIMENSIONS...................................................................................................................................... 111 GARN® WHS-1000H (GARN® JR) OVERALL DIMENSIONS .................................................................................................. 111 GARN® WHS-1000V (GARN® JR) OVERALL DIMENSIONS .................................................................................................. 112 GARN® 1500H OVERALL DIMENSIONS .............................................................................................................................. 113 GARN® 1500V OVERALL DIMENSIONS .............................................................................................................................. 114 GARN® 2000H OVERALL DIMENSIONS .............................................................................................................................. 115 GARN® 2000V OVERALL DIMENSIONS .............................................................................................................................. 116 K. EMISSIONS CERTIFICATION AND COMPLIANCE INFORMATION ...............................................................................117 MANDATORY EPA WORDING ............................................................................................................................................ 117 MODEL AND COMPLIANCE STATUS .................................................................................................................................. 117 HEAT OUTPUT RANGES ..................................................................................................................................................... 118 EFFICIENCY ........................................................................................................................................................................ 118 TAMPER WARNINGS ......................................................................................................................................................... 118 FUEL SELECTION ................................................................................................................................................................ 119 SMOKE AND CARBON MONOXIDE EMISSIONS AND MONITORS ....................................................................................... 119 FURTHER RESOURCES ........................................................................................................................................................ 119 L. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ....................................................................................................................................... 120 M. SPECIFICATIONS ........... .... ....................................................................................................................................... 121 N. WARRANTY ............................................................................................................................................................. 122


GARN® WHS 1000 and WHS 2000 Manual | © HY-C® Company LLC | October 2024

A. WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF GARN ® WOOD HEATING The GARN® Wood Heating System (WHS) is unlike any other piece of wood heating equipment. As you use your GARN® , you will come to appreciate its quality construction, unique features and many benefits. The purpose of this manual is to give the installer and operator the necessary information for proper installation, operation, and maintenance of a GARN® WHS. For proper sizing and selection, please refer to the GARN® System Design Manual. GARN ® WHS WOOD HEATING PACKAGE (STANDARD) Every GARN® WHS wood heating package comes standard with the following components:

WHS/ETS Digital Controller Low Water Sensor Stem Flue Temperature Sensor Tank Temperature Sensor Hot Water Supply Sensor Hot Water Return Sensor

Air intake hood

• • • • • •

• • • • • •

Water treatment test kit Water filter and housing Cleanout plates and gaskets

Bent flow stabilizer

Motor, motor plate and blower wheel

GARN ® WHS ELECTRIC HEATING PACKAGE (OPTIONAL) Every GARN® WHS is shipped with 9 threaded electric element flanges in the lower-right corner of the front head/face of the unit. The flanges provide the opportunity to purchase the electric heating package and turn the GARN® WHS unit into an electric heating system. Electric heating can be used in conjunction with wood heating to provide a dual-fuel heating system. There are 3 electric heating package sizes to choose from. The correct size for your application depends on the utility/coop off-peak electric program, heating load, and GARN ® WHS unit size:

Electric Heating Package Size Number of Electric Elements 16.5 kW 3 33.0 kW 6 49.5 kW 9

The Complete GARN® Electric Heating Package comes standard with the following components:

• Electric Elements (3, 6, or 9 depending on heating package size selected) • O-rings for elements • Electric Element Junction Box, Cover, Label, and Fasteners • Electric Element Junction Box Face Gasket

• Element Sequencer (powers the elements on one-at-a-time) • High Limit Switch • Newest available Processor Chip for the Digital Controller • An OD temperature sensor is available as an option . Refer to GARN® web site.

All GARN® Electric Heating packages are UL certified, US and Canada. Refer to the actual label on the controls.


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OVERVIEW OF GARN ® COMPONENTS: WHS-1500V/2000V For additional detail and dimensions of the WHS-1500H/V and WHS-2000H/V, see the Dimensions section of this manual.


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OVERVIEW OF GARN ® COMPONENTS: WHS-1000V (Junior) For additional detail and dimensions of the WHS-1000H/V (Junior), see the Dimensions section of this manual. In addition see the separate document “WHS-1000 Manual Addendum” available at


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OVERVIEW OF GARN ® CONTROLS The diagram below shows the controls and sensors that are part of the basic GARN® WHS Wood Heating Package and the optional Electric Heating Package.


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B. CODES, INSURANCE, AND SAFETY SYMBOLS The GARN® WHS Wood Heating System is a direct-vented wood-burning appliance that stores heat in a non-pressurized vessel. It is listed by Intertek Testing Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin according to UL 2523-2011 and CAN/USA B366.1-11. It is to be installed according to this manual, on-line technical bulletins, Federal, State and local codes, and your insurance company ’s guidelines.

The GARN® unit, all related heating equipment (including pumps, piping, fan coils, hot water baseboard, radiant floor heating systems, etc), and all electrical equipment (including power wiring, controls, control wiring, back up electric heating, etc) must be installed by a qualified installer or licensed personnel in strict compliance with all Federal, State and local codes. All electrical equipment, devices and wiring installed with the GARN® unit must be UL listed, US and Canada. The installer is to supply and install all code required electrical over current and disconnect devices. Local building and fire inspectors are given discretion to determine if construction and heating installations are safe. They use recommended guidelines developed by various national organizations, such as NFPA (National Fire Protection Association). Your insurance company may also have specific guidelines concerning the installation of wood heating equipment. Follow all local and national codes. The installation must comply with applicable sections of Canadian CSA Standard B365 or U.S. NFPA Standard 211. The design of the GARN® Wood Heating System is unique and was developed under the following patents: United States Patents #4,401,101 and #4,549,526; Canadian Patents #1,163,880 and #1,220,686. This manual is intended to comply with NEMA Z535.6-2006 (the standard for Product Safety Information in Product Manuals, Instructions, and Other Collateral Material ). Throughout the manual, a series of safety symbols are intended to call to attention the following types of information: A notice provides a piece of information to make a procedure/process easier or clearer.

A caution emphasizes where equipment damage might occur. Personal injury is not likely.

A warning emphasizes areas where personal injury or death may occur but is not likely. Property or equipment damage is likely. A danger emphasizes areas or procedures where death, serious injury, or property damage is likely if not strictly followed.


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C. UNPACKING AND ASSEMBLY The GARN® unit is shipped with most of its components inside the combustion chamber. Additional components and accessory items may be shipped within the tank proper . DO NOT REMOVE THE FIREBRICK . It is preinstalled correctly at the factory.

The following components should be removed from the combustion chamber:

Digital controller


Digital controller sensors


Air intake hood


Low water cut off/sensor stem


Water treatment test kit Water filter and housing



o Motor mount plate, motor and blower wheel o Hot water return assembly o Bent flow stabilizer o Cleanout plates, gaskets, and SS gasket savers

COMPONENTS TO UNPACK CAN VARY WITH TYPE OF INSTALLATION AND ACCESSORIES ORDERED. Compare the packing slip that came with your unit to the components


FACTORY PREINSTALLED ITEMS The following items are assembled and properly installed at the factory:

Firebrick with insulation backing pads


o Ceramic reaction chamber tube (2 sections) with rear insulating ring o Lower nozzle heat shield o Loading door

MANWAY COVER AND GASKET A galvanized steel manway cover is provided with all GARN® WHS equipment. The manway cover:

Provides mounting for the sensor stem. Prevents debris from entering the tank. Is a pressure relief for the GARN® WHS.

• Minimizes evaporation of the storage water.


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DO NOT FASTEN THE MANWAY COVER TO THE MANWAY ACCESS RING . The GARN® WHS unit is non-pressurized hydronic heating unit. An internal overflow/vent

will prevent the development of internal pressure that results from the gentle expansion and contraction associated with the varying temperature of the water. In cases where accidental over-firing results in rapid boiling, the manway cover is designed to rise slightly to relieve internal pressure. If undesirable evaporation occurs, a 10 lb weight can be placed on top of the manway without compromising its function as a pressure relief. This will seat the gasket better and prevent unwanted evaporation. WHERE IS THE GARN ® MANWAY COVER? SPLIT COVER Units produced after September 2015 are shipped with a “split” manway cover. The manway cover is shipped in a box in the combustion chamber. See your packing list for box location. For installation instructions, see the LOW WATER CUT-OFF AND TANK TEMPERATURE SENSOR STEM on page 62 of this manual.


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ALIGNING THE COMBUSTION DOOR The combustion door consists of an inner insulated door on a threaded shaft and an outer door which acts as a heat shield. The outer door is designed to function as a spring. It maintains pressure on the high-temperature, flexible gasket along the edge of the inner door. These were positioned properly at the factory, but movement during shipping may necessitate adjustment on site. Periodic adjustments may also be required. SQUARING THE INNER DOOR TO THE UNIT If the inner door is not square with the air collar, it should be adjusted. Grab the inner door on its gasketed edge with hands on opposing sides. Push with one hand and pull with the other. Rotate the inner door to verify that it has been brought roughly to within square of the outer door. Visually, the inner door should rotate without moving out-of-square with the outer door and air collar. This doesn’t have to be perfect. Within 1/4” of square should allow the inner door gasket to seal properly.

ALIGNING THE HANDLE WITH LATCH BOLT The door handle bolt should be level with the latch bolt on the air collar. To adjust this, use a pry bar between the handle bolt and latch bolt and pry in the direction necessary to make them align (see figure to right. If the latch is not far out of alignment, the handle can be used for adjustment. Hook the handle on the latch bolt and push the handle up. Repeat until the door handle bolt and the latch bolt are aligned. ADJUSTING THE DOOR SEAL The outer heat shield should flex when the door latch is secured. The flexing indicates that the outer door is acting as a spring and keeping the inner door properly sealed. The inner door can be rotated to adjust the amount of tension on the inner door seal. The door latch can be rotated on its bolt to adjust its position right or left in relation to the latch bolt.


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INDUCED DRAFT FACE MOUNTED BLOWER ASSEMBLY Unpack the following blower assembly components:

Blower wheel and shaft key

Allen wrench

Motor (with power cord attached)

Motor mount plate

Motor mount spacer ring

• Motor mounting screws (4 x countersunk, socket head cap screws (SHCS)) • Motor mount gasket (approximately 12” in diameter x ½” thick) • Upper clean out cover and gasket (approximately 9” in diameter) • Bent flow stabilizer


dynamically balanced at the factory.

1. Place the motor mount spacer ring over the shaft end of the motor and align the bolt holes with the threaded sockets on the motor body. Remove the rubber washer on the shaft of the motor. 2. Place the motor mount plate over the shaft end of the motor and align the counter sunk holes with the motor spacer ring and the threaded sockets on the motor body.

3. Insert the 4 countersunk, socket head cap screws and tighten.

4. Slide the motor mount gasket over the shaft and align the flat on the perimeter to the motor mount plate. If the holes of the gasket do not line up, flip the gasket over. The gasket only fits one way.


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5. Apply high temperature anti-seize lubricant to the motor shaft, place the key in the keyway, and slide the blower wheel onto the shaft, making sure that the keyway notch in the blower wheel hub aligns with the key on the motor shaft. If the blower wheel will not slide over the shaft, use a ½” outside wire brush (such as those used for cleaning the outside surface of copper tubes) and remove any minor burrs from the shaft of the motor. 6. Slide the blower wheel down on the shaft until the back surface of the hub is approximately 1/16” clear of the motor mount gasket. The blower wheel should turn freely without touching the gasket. The motor shaft will not protrude past the hub of the blower wheel.

7. Tighten the two set screws in the hub of the blower wheel with the supplied allen wrench to secure the wheel to the shaft. BOTH SET SCREWS MUST BE TIGHTENED. 8. Install the isolation bushings and stainless steel gasket saver before mounting the blower assembly on the blower housing. Review page 85 for isolation bushing specifics; and page 11 for gasket saver specifics. Position the blower assembly by sliding it into position on the five (5) mounting studs in the blower housing located on the front head of the GARN®. Hold the assembly in place and install the 3/8-16 castellated nuts (those with teeth on one side). Tighten the nuts securely, compressing the motor mount gasket SLIGHTLY . 9. Manually rotate the blower wheel by hand. Access the wheel through the upper clean out. Ensure that there is no contact between the blower wheel and the blower housing. If there is contact, remove the blower assembly, adjusting the clearance between the blower wheel hub and the motor mount gasket, and repeat the assembly procedure.


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10. The bent flow stabilizer should be pushed as far as possible into the upper cleanout with the bend at 3 o’clock.

11.Position the upper clean out gasket and upper clean out cover on the blower housing. Hold the assembly in place and install 3/8-16 castellated nuts. Tighten the nuts securely, compressing the gasket SLIGHTLY . 12. It is now safe to temporarily plug in the blower motor to check its operation. The motor should operate without any rubbing or grinding noise. Significant air flow should exit from the exhaust flue at the rear of the GARN® WHS unit.

Review the motor manufacturer’s literature packaged with the motor for proper care and maintenance.


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• All GARN® WHS equipment must be placed in a sheltered, enclosed space (heated or unheated). Clearance to combustibles must be no less than 2” from the sides and back and 60” in front.



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• Vertical space requirements for access to the manway cover on top of the unit, to allow for periodic visual inspection of the inside of the GARN® unit. This also facilitates entry into the GARN® unit if required for cleaning.

When locating the GARN® WHS unit, consider the following carefully:

• Traffic patterns past the unit: service doors, any overhead doors, pump locations, etc. • Source of electrical power and location of electrical panel. • The routing and insulation of piping to the heating system. • Location of wood fuel storage. • Unit position considering where heat is to be delivered (i.e. distance to other buildings, etc). • Sufficient space for heating system pumps and controls. • Position and type of flue (horizontal or vertical) with reference to other nearby buildings. NOTE: • If installing a combustion air damper, increase the rear clearance from 8” to 24” minimum to allow sufficient room for damper installation and maintenance.


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IF UNIT IS LOCATED ABOVE GRADE WITHIN 10’ OF AN 8’ DEEP BASEMENT WALL, THE WALL WILL NEED TO BE REINFORCED IN ORDER TO PREVENT COLLAPSE OF WALL DUE TO TOTAL WEIGHT OF THE GARN® WHS UNIT. Check with your local code official if you have any questions concerning proper placement of the unit. LOCATE THE UNIT ACCORDING TO YOUR LOCAL AIR SHED CODES. Minimum setback requirements from houses, roadways, and schools, may exist.

GARAGE PLACEMENT Locate the GARN® WHS unit in a separate room or attached lean-to. There should be NO DIRECT connection between the garage and the GARN® room. Provide a fully sealed 1 hour fire rated 5/8” sheetrock wall between the GARN® room and garage. The firewall must extend from floor to ceiling and for the full length of the room or lean-to. Local building and fire inspectors, as well as your insurance company have specific guidelines and often have final say as to location and construction of the GARN® room and its access. Follow all local, state and national codes in the construction of the room or lean-to.



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REMOTE BUILDING PLACEMENT & SLAB REQUIREMENTS The GARN® WHS unit must be set on a concrete slab on grade. The table below provides slab thickness requirements. SOIL TYPE MINIMUM SLAB REQUIREMENTS Rock, Gravel, Compact Sand (>2000 psf) 4” thick, 3000 psi with 6 x 6 x 10/10 welded wire mesh Loose sand, clay (<2000 psf) 5 ½” thick, 3000 psi, with 6 x 6 x 10/10 welded wire mesh

The slab width and length should at least equal the enclosure size and have reinforced edges. The maximum skid pressure for any GARN® WHS unit is 1850 psf.


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SETTING THE UNIT Once the location is determined, set the unit’s skids on 2” blue, pink or yellow EPS foam insulation for the WHS 2000 unit. Use 2” polyisocyanurate foil-faced Thermax® or equivalent foam insulation (do NOT use EPS foam insulation) for the WHS 1000 unit. In either case the foam must have a minimum allowable compression strength of 25 psi. The foam should be cut to the width of the skids plus a minimum of 2”. Raise each side of the tank off the ground and slide the foam under the skids. The concrete slab that supports the GARN® unit must be relatively flat. The entire flat surface may slope slightly, but skids under the unit must be fully supported over their entire area. DO NOT USE WHITE BEADBOARD for either WHS model. It will melt and crush causing physical damage to the flue, combustion air inlet and piping system.

HOT WATER RETURN ASSEMBLY (HWRA) for units shipped after July 2018

The HWRA consists of a 24” long Sch 40 bare wall black steel dispersion tube factory coupled to a double tapped bushing. This specific item varies in diameter for the 1000 and 2000 models. It is not available for the WHS 3200 model. It is supplied as a separate component and must be field installed during initial set up . The HWRA is supplied as a unit, do NOT disassemble. Picture below:

In the past, the hot water supply (HWS) to the pump was always withdrawn from the upper flange on the rear head; and the water returning from the heating system was reinjected through the lower diameter welded dispersion tube on the rear head. This arrangement yielded a slightly higher HWS temperature. However, supplying the pump from the lower fitting and returning water through the upper fitting effectively increases the useable thermal storage capacity.


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Both rear head fittings are the same size (2” FNPT). The HWR assembly will screw into either flange from outside the tank, allowing you to choose from which fitting to feed the pump. If the HWRA is screwed into the upper flange and the pump is supplied from the lower flange you will experience the following benefits. • Pump suction boiling is minimized or eliminated. Refer to page 17 of the Design Manual. • Piping to the pump is simplified thus reducing cost. • Increased useable thermal storage, especially with low flow such as radiant floor and all panel systems. • The pump will easily self-prime itself.

In either case, three very important restraints must be obeyed:

• Always supply your pump with water from the non HWRA flange using 2” pipe and minimal 45 or 90 degree elbows. • Always return water through the HWR assembly , installed in the flange not supplying the pump. • All other standard hydronic piping practices should be observed, ie: pipe sizing, shut off valves, isolation valves, die-electric unions, drains, etc. Refer to the Design Manual for additional piping information. INSTALLATION

The HWRA is supplied as a unit, do NOT disassemble:

• For model WHS 2000 - 1.5” x 24” Sch 40 pipe threaded into a 2” x 1.5” double tapped steel bushing • For model WHS 1000 - 1” x 24” Sch 40 pipe threaded into a 2” x 1.5” double tapped steel bushing The HWRA assembly is inserted into one of the two 2” flange fittings located on the rear head of the GARN® WHS unit so that the pipe extends into the tank . Apply Teflon® pipe dope to the 2” NPT male threads of the steel bushing before screwing it into the 2” flange. Tighten securely. The exposed portion of the bushing includes a 1” or 1.5” NPT female thread. Thread the hot water return pipe from your heating system into the female thread of the bushing. Apply Teflon® pipe dope and tighten securely.


GARN® WHS 1000 and WHS 2000 Manual | © HY-C® Company LLC | October 2024


BYPASS/SIDE-STREAM FILTER INSTRUCTIONS Installing a bypass filter is highly recommended with every GARN® unit. The bypass filter package (available at incudes: a bypass/side-stream filter housing; four (4) 5 micron filters (pictured below); a mounting bracket with screws and a housing wrench for replacing filter elements.

The purpose of a bypass filter is to continuously remove suspended fine particulates from the GARN® unit’s water. If not removed, the fine particulates will eventually settle to form sludge. Removing this material improves the effectiveness of the water chemistry, helps extend the life of the GARN® unit and keeps the system operating at peak performance. The filter will NOT remove any sludge that has already accumulated on the bottom of an existing GARN® unit; nor will it prevent sludge formation due to biological activity, dirt left in the unit before filling, etc. The only way to remove sludge is by manual cleaning.

The bypass filter should NOT be used as a replacement for strainers in front of heat exchangers or other equipment.

Strainers are effective at removing large chunks of dirt and debris. Filters are made for removing small particles. Large debris chunks will cause the filter to plug quicker.

A description of how the filter is installed and operates is as follows:

(1) The bypass filter must be installed such that the flow of water moves into the filter housing on the outside of the filter (not into the core/center). (2) The water then penetrates the filter on the outside of the filter and moves towards the core of the filter. Particulates are trapped in the filter. (3) The clean water moves upwards in the core to the top of and then out of the outlet of the filter housing. (4) After a few weeks the GARN® water will eventually become transparent if the bypass filter has been installed and operated properly. During this period it will be necessary to replace the filter element several times. (5) Be proactive and pipe the filter to allow filling the GARN® unit through the filter to minimize debris that may be carried in from your water source.


GARN® WHS 1000 and WHS 2000 Manual | © HY-C® Company LLC | October 2024

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