GARN® GN2000 WHS | Operator Manual

In Case of Electrical Power Failure If during operation the electrical power to the GARN® WHS unit fails, DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR and DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RELOAD THE UNIT. Fire in the combustion chamber will safely snuff itself out within a few minutes. When power returns, turn on the controller and start the blower. Allow the blower to purge the unit for 5 minutes before opening the door. Formation of Smoke or Creosote If you observe excessive smoke from the chimney or the accumulation of creosote within the combustion chamber and cleanout ports, it is generally the result of: insufficient combustion air; excessively wet wood fuel; too much fuel; or the burning of trash and plastic. Under normal operation, smoke and creosote are consumed by the high fire temperature in the Secondary Reaction Chamber. Smoke and creosote should almost be non- existent after 10 to 20 minutes of initial operation. 1) Reduce the volume of wood fuel loaded into the combustion chamber. Do not burn trash, plastic, pressure treated wood, etc. 2) Check and confirm that all of the flue passages and the chimney are not blocked. 3) Check and confirm that the air inlet hood is not blocked.

4) Check and confirm that the primary and secondary air nozzles are clear. 5) Check and confirm that the induced draft blower is operating properly. 6) Check and confirm that the loading door seals tight to the air collar face. 7) If all of the above check as OK, call your dealer.

Smell of Smoke

Immediately ventilate and exit the area. A strong smoke smell is usually caused by the following. Investigate and repair as required.

1) Flue joints not sealed with silicone and aluminum tape. 2) Flue connection ring not silicone sealed to tank.

3) Defective or worn cleanout cover gaskets. 4) Defective or worn loading door gasket. 5) Incorrectly adjusted loading door (door does not seal tight to the air collar face). 6) Defective induced draft blower motor or wheel. 7) Blocked chimney.

8) Excessive depressurization of the building in which the GARN® unit is located. This may be due to high levels of exhaust as a result of operating equipment not related to the GARN® unit. The solution is to provide make up air in a volume that is equal to the exhaust air volume. Contact a consulting Mechanical Engineer to help solve this condition.

Excessive Water Consumption

Excessive water consumption is caused by the following. Investigate and correct or repair:

1) High evaporation rates due to consistent over-firing.

GARN WHS 1000 and WHS 2000 Manual © HY-C Company LLC - September 2024


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