GARN® GN2000 WHS | Owner's Manual


ALIGNING THE COMBUSTION DOOR The combustion door consists of an inner insulated door on a threaded shaft and an outer door which acts as a heat shield. The outer door is designed to function as a spring. It maintains pressure on the high-temperature, flexible gasket along the edge of the inner door. These were positioned properly at the factory, but movement during shipping may necessitate adjustment on site. Periodic adjustments may also be required. SQUARING THE INNER DOOR TO THE UNIT If the inner door is not square with the air collar, it should be adjusted. Grab the inner door on its gasketed edge with hands on opposing sides. Push with one hand and pull with the other. Rotate the inner door to verify that it has been brought roughly to within square of the outer door. Visually, the inner door should rotate without moving out-of-square with the outer door and air collar. This doesn’t have to be perfect. Within 1/4” of square should allow the inner door gasket to seal properly.

ALIGNING THE HANDLE WITH LATCH BOLT The door handle bolt should be level with the latch bolt on the air collar. To adjust this, use a pry bar between the handle bolt and latch bolt and pry in the direction necessary to make them align (see figure to right. If the latch is not far out of alignment, the handle can be used for adjustment. Hook the handle on the latch bolt and push the handle up. Repeat until the door handle bolt and the latch bolt are aligned. ADJUSTING THE DOOR SEAL The outer heat shield should flex when the door latch is secured. The flexing indicates that the outer door is acting as a spring and keeping the inner door properly sealed. The inner door can be rotated to adjust the amount of tension on the inner door seal. The door latch can be rotated on its bolt to adjust its position right or left in relation to the latch bolt.


GARN® WHS 1000 and WHS 2000 Manual | © HY-C® Company LLC | October 2024

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