GARN® GN2000 WHS | Owner's Manual


REMOTE BUILDING PLACEMENT & SLAB REQUIREMENTS The GARN® WHS unit must be set on a concrete slab on grade. The table below provides slab thickness requirements. SOIL TYPE MINIMUM SLAB REQUIREMENTS Rock, Gravel, Compact Sand (>2000 psf) 4” thick, 3000 psi with 6 x 6 x 10/10 welded wire mesh Loose sand, clay (<2000 psf) 5 ½” thick, 3000 psi, with 6 x 6 x 10/10 welded wire mesh

The slab width and length should at least equal the enclosure size and have reinforced edges. The maximum skid pressure for any GARN® WHS unit is 1850 psf.


GARN® WHS 1000 and WHS 2000 Manual | © HY-C® Company LLC | October 2024

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