GARN® GN2000 WHS | Owner's Manual



PRESSURE: The installation of a single pressure gauge on the upstream side of the filter is all that’s required to determine if flow is moving through the filter. As long as the pump is running and the pressure gauge shows pressure, then flow is going through the filter. WHEN TO REPLACE THE FILTER The filter requires replacement when it is sufficiently plugged and little to no flow (less than 2 GPM) is moving through it. Check the pressure gauge, if the pressure differential reaches 6 to 7 PSID (with a Taco 0015, 3- speed circulator on HIGH speed), then the filter is considered plugged . Periodically check to ensure the filter is not plugged. Spare filters can be purchased from A stainless steel core is required for the filter to function at higher temperatures. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS The filter is only actively protecting the GARN® water when water is flowing through the filter. So, the simplest rule of thumb for using the filter is:

• Pump water through the filter as frequently as possible.

Circulate continuously if possible. Using a Taco-0015 3 Speed Circulator on HIGH speed for the entire heating season (assuming 6 months of heating) costs roughly $15 (assuming $0.10 per kWH). DURING THE 1 ST MONTH OF OPERATION (1) Run the pump feeding the filter continuously. During the first month, check every week to see if the filter is plugged. Replace the filter with a new filter as required. It will be necessary to replace the filter element several times. NORMAL OPERATION Run the pump feeding the filter continuously. After the first month of operation, check as frequently as possible, but at minimum 3 times per heating season to ensure that filter is operating correctly. The filter is very effective at removing cloudiness and suspended particles in the water. It will NOT remove dissolved compounds (such as salts or dissolved water treatment chemical). Likewise, it will NOT remove existing sludge that may have accumulated on the bottom. Sludge can only be removed by manual cleaning. IF THE GARN ® WATER IS CLOUDY/MURKY If the GARN® unit’s water is cloudy or murky, the filter should adequately remove the suspended particles with continued use. Allow a couple months of continuous filtering operation to remove the cloudiness from the water.


GARN® WHS 1000 and WHS 2000 Manual | © HY-C® Company LLC | October 2024

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