GARN® GN2000 WHS | Owner's Manual


AIR INTAKE DAMPER An air intake damper is typically used with an internal or external vertical flue installation. Because of the height of the vertical flue, a natural draft effect is created. During times when the GARN® WHS unit is not being fired and the tank is hot, air will be drawn from the air inlet hood, through the unit, and out of the flue. Without an air intake damper, a significant draft effect can rapidly remove heat from the tank. In all vertical flue configurations, installation of an air intake damper is required. INSTALLING THE AIR INTAKE DAMPER – REFER TO THE NOTE FOUND ON PAGE 18 Install the damper directly to the collar on the unit. Drill holes in the collar for the installation of sheet metal screws. Insert the damper into the collar, fasten with sheet metal screws, and tape the damper to the collar with aluminum tape. Orient the damper so that the motor is on top of the duct.

The damper must be installed directly to the unit to prevent the damper from freezing.

INSULATING THE AIR INTAKE DAMPER The cold air temperatures that enter through the air inlet hood make the damper susceptible to freezing. A damper “freeze-up” typically prevents the damper from operating correctly. A simple insulated, field-fabricated box should be installed around the damper to help prevent freezing. The damper can freeze-up because the air entering the intake is cold (outdoor temperature) and the room air temperature, where the GARN® WHS unit is located, is warmer than the outdoor air temperature. The warmer, humid air in the room will condense onto the sheet metal surfaces and metal shaft of the intake damper. As condensation occurs, it will freeze (depending on the outdoor temperature entering the damper). If the following precautions are taken, it should prevent any problems related to freezing and operation of the damper. Construct an insulated enclosure for the intake damper using a 1” or 2” rigid foam (XPS, PolyIsoCyanurate, etc). Caulk or tape the joints between the pieces. Assemble 2 of the following enclosures:


GARN® WHS 1000 and WHS 2000 Manual | © HY-C® Company LLC | October 2024

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