GARN® GN2000 WHS | Operator Manual


PreCln Chemical (maximum # of pails)

Water Treatment Chemical (maximum # of liquid jugs)


WHS-1000 (Junior) WHS-1500/2000

1 small 1 large

2 3 6



STEP 4 – INITIAL FOLLOW-UP: After the circulation period, send a sample of your GARN WHS system treated water to the lab for analysis. Complete sampling instructions are enclosed with sample mailer. Make sure you mark the sample survey as TREATED BOILER water, date the sample and include the unit serial number. Date the sample and list the chemicals added. The sample is best and least expensively sent via the US mail. Please complete the water sample form thoroughly to eliminate questions and confusion as we process your sample. Incomplete or inaccurate information will delay your results. Test results may indicate that additional chemical may be required to be in the correct chemical concentration range for protection. If additional chemicals are required, they may be purchased directly from Johnson Products. Your sample results will be returned with a new sampling kit for future use.


After the initial fill and treatment, participating in the water treatment program requires:

• INSPECT and SAMPLE: Visually inspect (through the manway) the water in your unit and look for signs of sludge formation. Note any sludge formation on the paperwork that is sent with your water sample. Send a boiler water sample in for testing twice per year . • TEST AND REPORT: Receive the test report from the submitted water sample. Review and follow the recommendations. Keep records of your testing reports. • CORRECT, MONITOR AND BALANCE: Manually remove any sludge. Purchase chemical as required from Johnson Products and maintain proper water chemistry to protect the GARN unit.

There is a charge for water treatment chemicals after the initial fill and for twice/year testing. Contact Johnson Products for details.

Biannual water testing is required for your GARN® WHS in order to manage and maintain proper inhibitor levels and chemistry within your system. You are responsible for returning samples on your schedule. Sampling should be done in the spring and fall of every year, with about 6 months between samples. INSPECT and SAMPLE: Send a sample of the boiler water to Johnson Products for analysis. Samples are usually collected from the manway access or from the boiler drain. Collect the sample according to the instructions on the bottle. When drawing a sample, always fully rinse the container twice with the water being sampled before collecting the final sample to be submitted. Significant accumulation of sludge, “dirty” water , or other observations should be noted when the water samples are sent in. The water should appear clear with minimal deposits on tank, combustion chamber and heat exchanger


GARN WHS 1000 and WHS 2000 Manual © HY-C Company LLC - September 2024

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