GARN® GN2000 WHS | Operator Manual

surfaces. If the water is cloudy and it is difficult to see the inside surfaces contact Charlie at Johnson Products. Do not delay in reporting this! Pictures of any areas of concern also help.

It is strongly recommended to visually inspect the inside of your unit when collecting biannual samples. This is easily accomplished through the improved split manway cover and can be done when you collect the biannual water samples. Simply lift the cover half which does not support the low water cut off stem to examine the water and interior tank surfaces using a strong flashlight. This is also best accomplished when the water is cool.

TEST AND REPORT: Johnson Products will complete a full analysis of the sample. Results, recommendations, and a new sample kit will be mailed to the owner.

Every water treatment sample is tested for the following: residual chemical concentration for each chemical additive; conductivity; pH; total dissolved solids; total iron; copper; chlorides; nitrite; and the concentration of bacteria (including both iron reducing and sulfur reducing strains) if bacteria tests are positive in the sample. Upon receipt of the test results, adjust the chemical concentration as advised by Johnson Products. Whenever additional water is added to the unit, use a water filter. CORRECT, MONITOR AND BALANCE : Periodic dosing of additional chemical is to be expected. It may also be required to add other chemicals to remedy specific conditions or problems (i.e. Biocide to kill bacteria following a positive test result for presence of bacteria). These chemical additions will be based on testing and require appropriate and prudent action. Manually remove any accumulated sludge.


IF CORROSION IS FOUND...GARN IS FIXABLE - In cases where there has been a gap in testing, followed by a dramatic change in water chemistry and then subsequent corrosion, it has been traced back to: low chemical residuals, falling total dissolved solids levels, biological growth, poor sample compliance, or sometimes all of these. In most cases the GARN is easily fixable by welding and patching areas of concern or leaking. Fixing, cleaning, and retreatment of the GARN unit corrects the problem in almost all cases. THE ONLY PREDICTING METHOD WE HAVE IS THE TESTING AND CUSTOMER EDUCATION PERTAINING TO THINGS TO WATCH FOR. HIGHEST ON THE WATCH LIST IS: OVERFIRING (BOILING) THE UNIT; LARGE VOLUMES OF WATER REPLACEMENT; PLUGGING OF SYSTEM STRAINERS AND/OR HEAT EXCHANGERS. ONE FINAL THING: As is standard practice in the fossil fuel boiler industry, every 5 to 6 years it is recommended that your GARN WHS unit be completely drained, flushed and inspected. Draining allows for the thorough cleaning and inspection of all interior surfaces. If a problem is discovered it can be easily repaired from the inside. For draining and cleaning, see the section HOW TO CLEAN A GARN UNIT (SAVING THE TREATED WATER) on page 75. EXAMPLE WATER TESTING SCHEDULE An example of a water testing schedule is shown below. It is recommended that testing be done at the Start and End of the heating season as that time frame is approximately 5 to 6 months apart (depending on location). It is also a simple way to remember when a water sample must be taken.

GARN WHS 1000 and WHS 2000 Manual © HY-C Company LLC - September 2024


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