GARN® GN2000 WHS | Owner's Manual


OPERATION AT HIGHER ALTITUDES When heating equipment is installed at higher altitudes, its rated output will decrease due to a decrease in the density of air at the higher altitude.

For each 1000 ft of elevation above sea level, the output of the GARN® WHS unit will decrease 4% from its published value. For instance, the GARN® WHS 1500 with a rating of 250,000 BTUH installed at 5000 ft above sea level will only output 200,000 BTUH (20% less than the published value). In addition, the maximum allowable storage temperature will be lower:

Elevation (feet)

Maximum Storage Temp (°F)

Boiling Point (°F)


200 198 196 194 192 190 188 186

212 210 208 206 204 202 200 198

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000


GARN® WHS 1000 and WHS 2000 Manual | © HY-C® Company LLC | October 2024

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