GARN® GN2000 WHS | Owner's Manual


Cleanout gaskets may stick to both the tank surface and/or to the cover surface depending on a number of factors. To help prevent sticking, GARN® now offers a Gasket Saver product. The gasket savers are installed between the steel tank and the gasket . They are made out of high-quality, 316 stainless steel and are very thin to allow sealing to the tank surface. They can be purchased at (Part #: P-0126). In most cases, the gasket savers will extend the life of the gaskets by minimizing any potential of the gasket sticking to the tank surface.

Review the material safety data sheet (SDS) regarding the safe handling of the ceramic gasket material. Use the specified 3M or equivalent air purifying respirator while handling the gasket material.


GARN® WHS 1000 and WHS 2000 Manual | © HY-C® Company LLC | October 2024

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