
Jose wants to ride the subway alone for the first time. He is going to meet his grandmother for a birthday outing. They are going to see the giant who stands on Ellis Island. !" #$ %&'$" (#$ ")*+,-. /0"$ '&"102$%" (#,( , 3$%"04 1,4 *$ lost &4 , 1%0+'6 !4' 40 04$ "(03" (0 5009 ,( #&8 0% (,59 (0 #&86 :#$- ,%$ ,55 %)"#&4; #$%$ 0% %)"#&4; (#$%$6 !" #$%& '("')(* +", ,-)) ."/( 0%1 2-/ 345()$ ,2(% '("')( $6( 2566&-%7 $%1 /8566&-%7 $)) "9(6 :2( /:$:-"%; !"# $% &'(%) *+% &*,% -.)/*0%,12 3$%+ 1*" #'(% #.&% #* +*#./% 4%*45%6 1*" &'(% +%3 7,.%+-)8 9 /,*3- .) :")# ' ;"+/$ *7 4%*45%6 .+ #$% %+-8 <'/$ *+% $') '+ .+-.0.-"'5 )#*,1= ' 4*.+# *7 0.%38 !"# $%&' ($)*+" %##* &+,+) -+ +.) /+),#0

Sebastian Gallardo was born in the Big Apple to Dominican and Peruvian parents who met at a dance club. He now lives in suburbia, where he is a high school junior, who enjoys writing stories, music and working out. About the Author

ISBN 9798218037208

Back Cover 8.5" x 8.5" (215.90mm x 215.90mm)

037208 9 798218

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