Athletic Training Student Directory


HOMETOWN Green Bay, Wis. UNDERGRAD UW-Stevens Point, 2023 B.S. in Health Science - Pre-Athletic Training IMMERSION EXPERIENCE & PRECEPTOR Green Bay Preble High School Nolan Wagner Bellin Health ADDITIONAL CLINICAL EXPERIENCES Waupaca High School, UWSP Women’s Wrestling, UWSP Men’s Hockey,

What has been your favorite experience while being in the MS-AT program? Other than using a Wet a bulb, my favorite experience while being an MS-AT student as to be the appreciation that we receive from the teams and players. Often time we are overlooked and not thought of from a fan’s perspective. The teams ensure we are well taken care; this proven time and time again. What advice would you give someone that’s looking to join our MS-AT program? One piece of advice, I would give someone looking to join our MS-AT program would be to develop a study habit early. There is a lot of information that is thrown at you, especially in

UWSP Baseball, UWSP Football

the first year, and understanding how to study the material is important so that you can retain the material and use it in clinicals. You can never study too much!

Where do you want to work in the future? My goal is to work at a high school in either Central or Eastern Wisconsin.

What one interesting fact you’ve learned while in class? One interesting fact I learned while in class was the entire inflammation process. All eight steps, from the injury to phagocytosis.



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