EVO WOMEN Joining Form 2020

Please Sign & Date This Agreement

We like to keep things simple so prefer a simple agreement without legal jargon.

I ……………………………… ………………………………………… understand the terms of Membership - namely the fees (and likely increase when/if live mee0ngs resume), minimum commitment and no0ce period and commit to join EVO WOMEN in the spirit of collabora0on and mutual support that forms the ethos of the group. I agree to make full payment for the joining fee and the minimum two quarterly Direct Debits in a 0mely fashion and specifically understand and agree to the ‘auto renewal contract’ nature of the agreement and no0ce period required to leave the group prior to the minimum period ending. Lastly, I understand that business networking can some0mes take a while to ‘work’. As men0oned above, Members (and Visi0ng Guests) like to get to know new Members before sharing their contacts or making introduc0ons: and a[ending regularly is a good indicator of a good Member, as is punctuality and prepara0on. I agree to do my best to arrive on 0me: we may not grant entry to online mee0ngs to latecomers whilst online for technical reasons and respect to the Group and agree to stay the dura0on of the mee0ng (this, again, is for technical reasons to do with breakout mee0ng planning).

………………………………………… …………………………………………………. (CAPS PLEASE)

………………………….………………………………………………………….. (SIGNATURE PLEASE)


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