2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

4.4 Trail Recommendations Existing Trail System Tillsonburg has approximately 19 trails or distinct trail segments that are owned by the Town and/or maintained by the Town. The existing trails are mapped in Figure 4-4, and summarized in detail in Appendix B:.

• Need for porta potties at key locations • When asked to identify which trails members of their household use, the top three indicated were: Trans Canada Trail (33%), Kinsmen Participark (22%), Tillsonburg Conservation Area Trail (15%). • “Winterize more trails” - Open house attendee • “Trails are great (trails at Southland used for mountain biking)” - Open house attendee • “Washrooms on trails! Walking everyday need some at parking areas”- Open house attendee Beautification, naturalization, tree planting, washroom access, and signage were all discussed previously in section.

4.4.1 What We Heard

Trails were a popular topic during consultations, with many comments received in support of more investment into trail maintenance and expanding the network. Below are some highlights of comments received: • Interest in more multi-use trails that are paved to satisfy multiple users • Interest in expanding trails network to connect communities and create smaller walkable trail loops within larger trail paths (e.g., Memorial Park) • Interest in enhancing trail features (e.g., lighting, shade, winter maintenance) in order to support more walkable communities • South end of the Town identified as an area in need of connectivity and integration into the trail systems • Need to invest in beautification along trails, naturalization, removal of invasive species, garbage clean up etc. • Need for clear wayfinding signage along trails and at points of connection

Winter Use

Currently there are two trails available for winter use: Veterans Trail (Rolph Street to Quarter Town Line), which is maintained by the Roads Department; and a segment of the Trans Canada Trail (East of Tillson Ave.), which is groomed by the County for cross country skiing and snowmobile use. Some years ago, there was also cross country skiing at Kinsmen Participark. The popularity of outdoor winter activities greatly increased during the pandemic, a trend that many in the parks and recreation industry think is here to stay (see following page).


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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