2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

4.4.2 New Trail Segments

Trail systems that connect to shopping, schools, and other facilities also encourage and support active transportation. Recommendations

The 2015 Trails Plan recommended a number of proposed trails that would contribute to connectivity within the Town and promote active and healthy lifestyles. One proposed trail from the 2015 Plan is carried through as a recommendation in this Master Plan. The continuation of the Participark trail north of Concession St. W through the natural area to Quarter Town Line (Proposed Trail #1 in Figure 4-4). The Town should also consider providing on or off-road bike lanes along key routes transecting north-south and east-west (this would be under the purview of the Roads Department). Adding new trail segments through neighbourhoods is nearly impossible when there is not an existing natural corridor to follow. For this reason, it is very important that trail systems are provided at the time of design and development of new residential areas. Parkland dedication in the form of trail systems should be considered, and strongly encouraged in areas of Town that are not well connected to the trail system otherwise, and where larger recreation facilities (e.g., sport fields) are not required. It can be argued that a trail system through a subdivision provides greater recreation value than the typical small park with playground, as people of all ages can make use of a trail for a variety of activities (e.g., walking, running, biking, skating, dog walking etc.), and play equipment can still be provided at a parkette at the trailhead.

PCT 20. Develop a trail continuation of the Participark trail north of Concession St. W through the natural area to Quarter Town Line. PCT 21. Parkland dedication in the

form of trail systems should be considered, and strongly encouraged in areas of Town that are not well connected to the trail system otherwise, and where larger recreation facilities (e.g., sport fields) are not required.


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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