2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …


“We’re trying to encourage people to see this area as more than just a place where we bury our dead,” [the Cemeteries Manager] said. “I see this cemetery as multi-use. It’s here for the community to enjoy… Kitchener doesn’t have an abundance of land,… The city planned very carefully to make the site inviting, with ponds, extensive landscaping, a long bridge snaking across the water, a wooden pergola and gazebo.” 3

PCT 22. Focus on providing more unique columbaria options in future cemetery development. PCT 23. Design the cemetery with variety in mind - in terms of landscapes, burial options, columbaria

types, seating types etc. with appropriate safety and security measures.

PCT 24. Provide a green burial area. PCT 25. Develop the cemetery as an accessible, beautified greenspace with gardens and paths throughout. PCT 26. Increase promotion of events

Tillsonburg is also a geographically small municipality that should make the most of its greenspace assets, including the cemeteries. In addition to creating a beautifully landscaped space with walking paths, the Town can encourage people to visit the cemetery by attending one of the events that occur annually, such as Remembrance Day and Decoration Day. In both cases, cemetery staff and visitors make efforts to beautify the space, and residents should be made aware of the opportunity to participate and enjoy the space.

that occur at the cemetery such as Decoration Day and Remembrance Day.

3 https://www.cambridgetimes.ca/news/till-death-do- us-part-kitchener-cemetery-a-hot-spot-for-weddings/ article_99d9ffa7-2f70-5b88-b3bd-f7a52c232e69.html


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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