2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …


Collaborative provision includes several approaches. The Town may enable another party - e.g., volunteer community group, private instructor, commercial program provider, not-for-profit agency - to deliver its services through agreements to run programs. Typically, these agreements provide access to municipal space for a specified period (e.g., fall/winter program session). They can cover arrangements with commercial providers, not-for-profit agencies and community-based volunteer groups to deliver programs and events. Agreements with commercial parties typically specify any cost/revenue sharing that is to occur between the Town and the provider. Consultation with the municipality and the need to serve a growing population with increasingly sophisticated services will require developing both its direct and indirect activities in provision, while respecting the Town’s commercial sector that provides recreation services. Of particular interest to the Town is further developing its indirect role to leverage both the resources of the municipality and other parties agencies/organizations in mutually beneficial collaborations. Section 5.4 below on collaborations and agreements with non-municipal parties addresses existing and potential arrangements to support indirect service delivery.

SD 1. In developing its services and meeting the needs of a growing population, the Town will continue to act in both direct and indirect capacities. SD 2. In further developing programs, events, parks and facilities within

the Town’s mandate, pursue opportunities to leverage both the resources of the municipality and other parties, agencies/

organizations in mutually beneficial collaborations.


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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