2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

1.2 Community Context

1.2.1 Current Demographic Profile

1.2.2 Projected Population

The Town has recently prepared population estimates, and these are the figures we will use in The Plan, including a current (2024) population of 19,503. The median household income in Tillsonburg is $73,500, which is just slightly less than the median household income in Oxford County ($76,500) (Canada Census 2021). The immigrant population in Tillsonburg was 12% in 2021, similar to that of the County as a whole, which was 11.3% (Canada Census 2021 Table 1-1).

Table 1-2 illustrates the current and projected populations for the Town of Tillsonburg and Oxford County from 2024 to 2034. According to these figures, the Town of Tillsonburg is projected to grow by 8,011 residents over the next 10 years, representing a growth of 41% from the current population. Comparatively, the population of Oxford County is projected to grow by 115,535 (12%) during the same period (Phase One Comprehensive Review, Oxford County, 2020, Hemson Consulting Ltd).

Table 1-1: Tillsonburg socio-demographic highlights

Table 1-2: Town of Tillsonburg and Oxford County population projections from 2024-2034

2024 Population


Year 2024 2029 2034

Tillsonburg Oxford County

Land Area

22.2 km 2

19,503 25,463 27,514

129,272 137,332 145,262

Population Density Per Square Kilometer


Median Total Income of Households 2020


Immigrant Population (2021)

2,295 (12%)

Sources: Tillsonburg estimates were provided by the Town of Tillsonburg. Oxford County estimates were calculated by multiplying Ontario’s average household size of 2.6 with the household forecasts from the Phase One Comprehensive Review, Oxford County Report by Hemson Consulting Ltd.

Source: Canada Census 2021, with the exception of the 2024 population, which was calculated by the Town of Tillsonburg.


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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