2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

5.4 Collaborations and Agreements

The Town of Tillsonburg currently has several agreements in place with various non-municipal organizations for service delivery including MOUs with Tillsonburg District Craft Guild and the BIA, and an agreement with the Tillsonburg Soccer Club. The 2023 MOU with the BIA specifies Town funding for the next three years (2023-2025) for itemized beautification and maintenance tasks to be conducted by the BIA in the downtown. The MOU with Tillsonburg District Craft Guild for the operation of Station Arts is for the period 2022 to 2024. Its purpose is to continue and expand the Guild’s work at Station Arts - providing arts and culture programming, and tourism information services to both residents and visitors. A specified annual budget from the Town is allocated to the Guild for this purpose, along with the detailed responsibilities of the two parties with respect to buildings, maintenance, repairs and contracts. As the Town expands existing and develops new services, it will very likely enter a variety of collaborations for which formal agreements should be prepared. Table 5-3 outlines the general types of agreements that align with collaborative service provision outlined in Table 5-1. This is not meant to represent an exhaustive list of the types of agreements that may be required


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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