2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …


The 2020 Recreation, Culture, Parks Service Review proposed Tillsonburg “adopt the following cost recovery model: • Use full cost recovery where possible. • Set fees to recover operating costs where this is possible but full-cost recovery is not. • Use fees set to recover partial operating costs where there are significant community benefits from participation, or when below operating cost fees allow the service to be provided with the lowest overall level of support from the levy” (Executive Summary, p.3).

Challenges related to the Town’s role as a regional centre were also noted in the review, and charging higher fees for non-resident use of services was recommended in view of this position (Executive Summary, p.1). 4

4 Source: Town of Tillsonburg. Recreation, Culture, Parks Service Review – Final Report Abstract April 22, 2020. The Clarico Group Inc


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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