2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

event and metrics on attendance, etc. The outcomes would be used as guidance on hosting the same/similar events in future. Additional discussion on service planning and evaluation is contained in Section 5.7.

• Requisite compliances (e.g., statutes, by-laws, standards, no conflict of interest, etc.) • Non-eligible potential partners (e.g., businesses in - alcoholic beverages in services directed those under legal drinking age; weapons production, distribution, sales) Recommendations SD 8. Conduct a service pricing study as the basis for setting fees in relation to cost recovery targets, and to inform a pricing policy, in conjunction with reviewing the existing FARE Policy and incorporating other aspects of inclusion. SD 9. Make an annual Town budget allocation to the FARE program to provide stability to the donated portion. SD 10. Develop an overarching policy

Collaborations and Partnerships

A policy on collaborations and partnerships can provide guidance on the circumstances that prompt agreements with non-municipal agencies/organizations in service delivery, and the purpose, scope and terms of the Town’s involvement. It should cover items related to: • Why the Town is interested in, and encourages these relationships • The types of relationships it envisions • The need to align with the Town’s image, values and standards, and its goals, objectives, policies and by-laws • A framework that describes the types of collaborations/partnerships to be considered and that align with the agreements that will support them (e.g., program/service contracts, license or lease, reciprocal use, corporate sponsorship /advertising, joint facility development and/or joint operating/use agreement) and the relevant agencies/organizations (e.g., other public, not-for-profit, small commercial, corporate)

on municipal support for events to supplement the Special Events Manual and to guide support to providers for, and evaluation of, community-oriented and visitor- attractive events.

SD 11. Develop a Collaboration and Partnerships Policy to guide

the Town in working with other providers to deliver recreation, culture and parks services.


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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