2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

Table 5-6: Services planning information requirements and application

Verify community service needs



Maintain a Single, Comprehensive Inventory

Document and regularly update an inventory of all facilities and relevant information by type. Ideally, all facilities now or potentially available for community use in the Town should be included in a single, integrated data base Track actual hours of facility use in relation to capacity (within total prime and non- prime time hours, where applicable). 12 Institute periodic, rotating checks on unscheduled facilities to document use at different times

Document and regularly update an inventory of all programs and relevant information by type. Ideally, all programs/services available either directly or indirectly through collaborations with the Town should be included. Track program/service fill rates in instances with a capacity limit or simple counts of participants / users / attendees when no limit on capacity.

Document Data on Use Related to Capacity

Develop Indicators of Unmet Demand

Document information on unmet demand for facilities, programs and services from organized users, community engagement via an online community engagement tool, resident inquiries/requests to the Town, and formal market research. Monitor and evaluate to determine success of response Using tools noted above to gather feedback, evaluate success of individual facilities and programs/services on an ongoing basis with organized and casual users, program participants and instructors, in relation to pre-determined performance targets. Incorporate results in subsequent planning activities As a cyclical activity covering both short and long-term service provision, the findings on evaluation can be used to maintain alignment between the supply/delivery of services and community needs.

Measure Service Performance Against Targets

Adjust Service Plans According to Evaluation Findings

Recreation management software enables information collection on service use and trends in performance to inform the planning and evaluation process. The Town has invested in software that it uses for certain recreation services management functions. In expanding its planning and evaluation capacity, Department staff can develop a comprehensive menu of information requirements - based on needed indicators in all service areas. Using these needs as a

guide, the Town can decide on the potential to upgrade existing or the need to introduce new recreation management software to fulfill its requirements. Other considerations with respect to recreation management software improvements will be its working compatibility with other corporate systems, and particularly those that relate to budgeting.

12 Actual use is the same as scheduled use if all hours scheduled are used.


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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