2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

5.7.2 Incorporating Data in Services Planning

reflect changing levels of participation and use. A sport or activity that shows high growth in participation today may level off or decline in future years and initially projected facility needs might require reduction.

The results of this work will reveal patterns of use/participation over time, available facility/program capacity that is not being used, and measures of outstanding demand. The Town can determine if the response to unmet demand will be adding more facilities/programs to supply or improving the performance of existing services. Facility options to this might include lighting unlit fields, repurposing facilities, reallocating use, financial incentives to push use to less preferred times, etc. Program/service options might be adding more sessions of particularly popular programs or adding new programs. For underused services, feedback through evaluations might reveal a range of factors leading to offering fewer times or locations for the same program, rescheduling to more convenient times, or discontinuing the service. Facility implications might include consolidation of similar facilities, relocation or removal from supply. The results of the monitoring and evaluation will also inform annual planning and budgeting and can be used to update relevant components of the Master Plan (e.g., revise population-based planning ratios when sufficient data is available to base projections on actual use of all facilities by type). The extent that these measures can be used to project into the future will also assist in confirming longer-term facility requirements. At the same time, long-term projections must be subject to ongoing monitoring, verification and, if required, adjusted to


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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