2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

5.7.3 Engaging Other Service Providers


As the Town’s work with other non-municipal providers grows, joint service planning by all key providers in the community should occur on a regular basis, with a view to integrating the efforts of all in developing facilities, programs and services. The municipality can take a leadership role in facilitating joint planning activities. This will help ensure a comprehensive, whole community approach to service planning and provision, especially as Tillsonburg grows and services expand. The number of sessions per year in which all participants should engage can be determined collectively. At least one full group session per year, however, would be required. Ideally, it should be scheduled to align with both service and budget planning but this might not be possible with multiple participants. Smaller group planning sessions, therefore, by specific service area may be more reasonable in terms of accommodating other organizations, with the Town then feeding this information into internal planning activities. Engagement in major project planning/development or one-time events can be more narrowly defined in terms of the parties involved and the number of ‘sessions’ needed. Periodic joint sessions may also be needed to address new/unforeseen topics of relevance to the parties involved. A process that works for the Town and other providers, therefore, should be developed and implemented in the short-term and it can grow over time, as needed.

SD 15. Using recreation management

software, develop an enhanced data base to apply in a formal recreation facilities and programs/ services planning to: verify

community service needs, monitor and evaluate the success of the service response, and incorporate results in subsequent planning activities. SD 16. Take the lead in developing and implementing regularly occurring joint facilities, programs, and

service planning sessions with all key non-municipal providers in Tillsonburg.

SD 17. Conduct project, program or

service specific planning sessions with other providers, as required.


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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