2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

To develop the range of functions/products needed in marketing, communications and promotion, the Town should prepare a marketing strategy to include the scope of responsibilities to be assigned to a dedicated full time position (see Section 5.3). It should also provide guidance on a suite of communications and promotion methods/tools to be used by the Town in a program designed to deliver comprehensive coverage and real time information. The Town can also take the lead role in facilitating awareness and promotion of all parks, culture and recreation services in the community - Town, other public, not-for- profit and private sector, as appropriate. A marketing strategy can outline the networking process(es) to encompass both municipal and non-municipal service providers in promotion activities. Recommendations

SD 18. Prepare a marketing and

communications strategy for the Recreation, Culture and Parks Department to provide direction on effective processes and tools for these functions. SD 19. Develop social media channels specifically for the Recreation, Culture and Parks Department. SD 20. Prepare and post an annual

services ‘year-in-review’ that summarizes and informs the community about the Town’s achievements in parks, recreation, and culture services.


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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