2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

Dependencies and Efficiencies


While recommendations are described as individual initiatives, many are interrelated and need to be considered in the larger context of achieving efficiencies in implementation. Some recommendations must be initiated and completed before other recommendations can begin, while others may benefit from being undertaken simultaneously in terms of process efficiency and providing a more fulsome approach to physical improvements.

The proposed schedule reflects a reasonable roll-out, assuming no major obstacles to activation. However, it is expected that some projects may need to be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. There may also be opportunities to “fast-track” other initiatives. Ongoing initiatives are to be carried through each year to the end of the Plan term. Their applicability throughout the entire period, however, will depend on evolving needs in relation to service development. For example, program expansion for specific interests may be sufficient to meet demand in considerably less than 10 years (subject to potential changes based on continuation of monitoring and verification needs). The point at which this will happen, however, is unknown and thus not identified as an “end-date” in implementation. The recommendations shown as time-limited endeavors may also extend beyond the years shown. It may take longer to complete the identified activities and/or the completion of a recommendation may result in a new system component or procedure. Recommendations to establish formal agreements or contracts, for example, are shown as time-limited for negotiating arrangements that will create new, ongoing relationships between the municipality and other providers (e.g., volunteers, agencies, businesses, etc.)

Budget Considerations

The implementation sequence attempts to evenly distribute the costs of recommendations over the Master Plan’s 10-year time frame. It should also be noted that costs for some recommendations are not available and are yet to be determined. These have been noted in the forecast and would be in addition to the numbers provided in the Master Plan. Another factor to consider are cost premiums/ fluctuations due to inflation. The current economic situation makes it especially difficult to attach reliable estimates to recommendations. Staff Resources The need for staff resources to do the work requires both a distribution of tasks over time and, in some cases, may require hiring additional staff to take responsibility for implementation. It will also require coordinated efforts both internally and externally.


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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