2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

6.2 Implementation Strategy

For a more complete explanation of each recommendation, please refer to the corresponding discussion in the appendices. This Master Plan should be considered part of a living document. In monitoring and evaluating the Master Plan, changes that result from work completed should be reflected in systematic reviews that track the initiation, progress, and completion of all items as they are implemented in annual work plans and budgets.

This section outlines the proposed implementation plan for the Strategy’s recommendations. Following a discussion of key considerations, the recommendations are presented by the service areas of the Strategy: Programs and Events (PE), Facilities (F), Parks, Trails and Cemetery (PCT), and Service Delivery (SD). Recommendations are accompanied by anticipated costs and timelines for completion of discrete tasks.

Table 6-1: Summary of Implementation Costs

Service Area

Short-Term (1-3 years)

Mid-Term (4-6 years)

Long-Term (7-10 years)

Total Cost




$0 $0



$155,000 $617,060 $155,000

$115,000 $602,060









Total Cost $927,060





Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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