2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …




Long-Term (7-10 years)

Short-Term (1-3 years)

Mid-Term (4-6 years)



Total Cost

Use the results of the monitoring program to inform a court study to confirm future need for both types of courts based on findings related to actual use, interest in community club formation, and the location/ configuration of future courts. Preliminary supply projections for the term of the Plan, to be confirmed in the court study, comprise providing up to two more dedicated tennis courts (for a total of 5) and three more dedicated pickleball courts (for a total of 10). Strategic Approach to Facility Provision

F 17

F 18



As required, update building and outdoor facilities conditions assessments as part of asset management planning and include in capital budget. Focus on essential building/ facility repairs in instances where future upgrades/additions are still to be determined. 3

F 19

F 20

Prepare detailed studies to confirm facility needs at the Community Centre and other locations, and the priorities, concepts, phasing and budgets associated with each resulting initiative. Total Costs of Recreation Facilities

F 21

$155,000 $115,000 $0


3 See also F12


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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