2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

Finally, when asked to indicate how residents prefer to participate in recreation, the top four responses included: using trails (67.91%), Self-directed sports/physical activity (e.g. cycling, running/walking, swimming, etc.) (65.8%), organized sports (51.9%), and social activities (41.4%).

1 respondent), tennis/pickleball (5.9% or 1 respondent), figure skating (5.9% or 1 respondent), and trail programs (5.9% or 1 respondent). Programs not offered by any user groups include ball hockey, performing arts, volleyball/badminton. Other programs offered by user groups also include ringette, learn to skate, blood donation events, horticultural and community gardens. Among sixteen respondents, twelve user groups identified that they have been experiencing growth in levels of program participation/members or attendance at their events. When asked to identify the anticipated growth levels of their groups participation or event attendance in the next 5-10 years: 50% (5 respondents) of user groups anticipate growth of between 5.1%-10%; 20% (2 respondents) of user groups anticipate a growth of between

User Group Survey & Stakeholder Interviews

Facility and park user groups that offer programs and events in the Town of Tillsonburg were also invited to participate in a survey to better understand their programming focus, facility needs, and anticipated future growth. A total of 19 user groups responded to the survey, Only 26.3% (or 5 user groups) indicated that they primarily serve all age groups/ families. However, more than half (57.9% or 11 respondents) indicated that they primarily serve teens ages 13-19 years, followed by adults 45-54 (47.3% or 9 user groups). Among all user groups, the least served age groups are children ages 0-4 years (26.3% or 2 user groups), and adults ages 75+ (21.0% or 4 user groups) (see Table 2-4). Among the 19 respondents, the most common types of programs and activities that user groups offer include: clubs/ social (29% or 5 respondents), hockey (29% or 5 respondents), and fitness/wellness programs (2.5% or 4 respondents). The least common type of program offered by user groups include softball (5.9% or 1 respondent), seniors programs (5.9% or

Table 2-4: Age groups supported by user group programs and events


All Age Groups/Families

26.3% 10.5% 36.8% 57.8% 36.8% 36.8% 47.3% 36.8% 36.8% 21.0%

Children 0-4 Years Children 5-12 Years Teens 13-19 Years

Young Adults 20-34 Years

Adults 35-44 Years Adults 45-54 Years Adults 55-64 Years Adults 65-74 Years

Adults 75+


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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