2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

Accessible and Adapted Programs

“Removing the barriers faced by individuals with a variety of disabilities (including, but not limited to: physical, sensory, cognitive, learning, mental health) and the various barriers (including attitudinal and systemic) that impede an individual’s ability to participate in social, cultural, political, and economic life. Disabilities can be temporary or permanent. As we age our abilities change and therefore an accessible society is one designed to include everybody; both people with disabilities and people who self identify as non-disabled.” 1

While certain aspects of accessibility are legislated and are often associated with facility design consideration, opportunities to exceed minimum standards should be pursued wherever feasible. The goal of advocating and legislating measures to ensure accessibility and inclusion is to make it the social norm by proactively integrating accessibility considerations in all aspects of parks and recreation services, which includes how programs and events are offered to participants. Supporting accessibility means:

1 City for All Women Initiative. (2015).

Advancing Equity and Inclusion. A Guide for Municipalities. Ottawa. p. 17.


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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