2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

Adults and Seniors

In response to these dynamics, it is advisable for Tillsonburg to engage in regular community feedback initiatives, conducted annually or bi-annually, to better understand and meet the recreational interests of its adult and senior populations. This could involve direct surveys, public forums, or focus groups designed to capture the community’s evolving interests. Concurrently, the town should perform a thorough review of the programs currently available within the community, offered by various local entities, to identify any overlaps or gaps in services. This dual approach of community engagement and service inventory will ensure that Tillsonburg’s recreational offerings are both responsive to community needs and efficiently coordinated, thereby enhancing the overall quality and accessibility of municipal recreation services for adults and seniors. Recommendation

Municipal parks and recreation services have long been designed with children, youth, and seniors in mind. However, a noticeable trend has emerged across Ontario, with adults expressing an increased desire for municipal recreation services, spurred by a greater awareness of the health benefits of physical activity, economic considerations, and advancements in service delivery. In Tillsonburg, the demographic significance of the senior population necessitates careful consideration in the planning of recreational programs. Survey findings highlight a strong interest in non-sporting recreational activities among adults aged 35-54 (11%), and seniors aged 55-64 (18%) and 65-74 (11%). To cater to these interests effectively, program planning must take into account various key factors. Evening program schedules may pose difficulties for adults with young children, pointing to the need for flexible programming times. Additionally, ensuring that programs are accessible to individuals with different mobility and cognitive abilities is crucial for inclusivity. Furthermore, the reluctance of some seniors to engage with complex technology means that traditional methods of program registration and information dissemination, such as in-person sign-ups and mail-outs, remain essential.

PE 8. To better align with the evolving interests of adults and seniors in Tillsonburg, the Town should conduct annual or bi-annual

community feedback sessions to tailor recreational programs to community interests, and perform an inventory of existing local programs to identify and fill gaps without duplicating services.


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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