2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

Future facility development interests summary:

• In keeping with service trends in programming and the need to

• The majority of the 300 household survey respondents (84% or 253) do not think new/expanded facilities are needed. • Among the less than one-fifth (16% or 47 respondents), between 10% and 32% of responses indicated need for pickleball (indoor/outdoor), indoor track, indoor tennis court, children’s play/drop-in, and multi-purpose space. • The majority of user groups (75% or 9) indicated anticipated growth in program participation/event attendance that will require additional access to facilities in the next 5 to10 years; the most frequently reported need for indoor facilities: an additional ice pad to accommodate more teams, age levels, new programs, and preferred/improved scheduling; arena amenities such as more, larger and gender neutral change rooms; dry-land training facilities (e.g., indoor track); additional space for arts activities/ programs; downtown event venue; more facility accessibility for inclusion of people with physical disabilities. • Immediate and future outdoor facility requirements most often reported by the groups were more ball diamonds and/or more lit ball diamonds.

accommodate population growth, the Town’s future facility interests focus on both improving/upgrading and complementing existing supply with more multi-purpose program space, a gymnasium, change room space, suitable administrative space/ offices for Community Centre staff, more storage for equipment used for programming events, improved building circulation, and AODA compliance throughout.

3.1.2 Assessment Considerations

In determining future need for facilities in Tillsonburg, there are several key factors to consider, including: • the types of new facilities required - including both those not represented in current supply (e.g., municipal gym, indoor track, etc.) and additions to existing supply (e.g., a third ice pad, Station Arts expansion, soccer fields, ball diamonds). • the extent to which existing facilities, and particularly those at the Community Centre, can be repurposed/ redeveloped/expanded to provide needed state-of-the-art facilities, given the limits of infrastructure age/design/ configuration, the need to retain existing spaces/uses, and the potential for expansion on the site.


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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