2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

4.0 Parks, Cemetery, and Trails

71 71 71 74 76 76 83 87

4.1 Introduction & Assessment Background

4.1.1 Overview of Supply 4.1.2 What We Heard

4.2 General Recommendations

4.2.1 Accessibility, Safety, Comfort and Usability

4.2.2 Provision and Access

4.3 Site-Specific Recommendations

4.3.1 Lake Lisgar, Gibson House, and Kinsmen Memorial Parkette 87 4.3.2 Community Centre Hub: Memorial Park (includes Summer Palace and Lake Lisgar Water Park), Optimist Park, Rotary Park 88 4.3.4 Coronation Park 93 4.4 Trail Recommendations 95 4.4.1 What We Heard 95 4.4.2 New Trail Segments  98 4.5 Tillsonburg Cemetery 101 4.5.1 What We Heard 101 5.0 Service Delivery 105 5.1 Introduction & Assessment Background 105 5.1.1 What We Heard 106 5.2 Role of the Municipality in Service Delivery 107 5.3 Recreation, Culture and Parks Department and Committees of Council 109 5.3.1 Recreation, Culture and Parks Department Staffing 109 5.3.2 Advisory Committees of Council  112 5.4 Collaborations and Agreements  115 5.5 Policy Requirements 117 5.5.1 Service Pricing, Affordable Access and Inclusion 117 5.6 Revenue Generating Programs 124


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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