2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

3.2 Indoor Facilities Assessment

Table 3-1 lists the indoor facilities at the Tillsonburg Community Centre, and those dedicated to arts and heritage, along with brief descriptions and levels of use and upgrade information - from background material and as provided by Town staff.

Table 3-1: Indoor facilities, use levels and upgrades

Levels of Use/Upgrades to Existing Components



Tillsonburg Community Centre Indoor Pool

• 25m, six-lane lap pool with ladder/lift entry

• high use • ongoing upgrades to the pool and building entrance include new entry and family/ barrier-free washrooms, change rooms, showers, lobby, administrative space • both main pads near capacity during prime time; underused during non-prime time • backlog in critical capital repairs (e.g., roof failures)

• viewing area • change rooms

Ice Pads (3) • Kinsmen Memorial Arena (1949): • NHL sized ice surface (200’ x 85’) • spectator seating 700 • concession (leased to vendor) • dressing rooms • Colin Campbell Arena (1977): • ice surface (180’ x 80’) • heated viewing area • 9 dressing rooms • dressing rooms • Mini practice rink (2004): • ice surface (20’ x 35’)

Arena Floors (2)

• well used; demand for municipal facilities to host events is increasing • need improved cooling for summer use and on site storage for tables and chairs


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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