2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

3.2.2 Other Community Centre Components

The Tillsonburg Community Centre has undergone major capital improvements to its aquatic and related facility components. As the Centre will continue to be a primary focus for indoor recreation, the need to further update and diversify its range of facilities is discussed below. Addressing these facility needs collectively in a feasibility study, even if they are not all developed at the same time, will result in an optimal development plan for the Community Centre to serve both existing residents and population growth. The components to be included in this study are discussed below. Recommendation

arena floor use, detract from making more efficient use of the arenas in accommodating demand. In advance of providing a third ice pad, the Town can work with ice users to optimize use to the two existing pads, and consider the cost-benefit of the following approaches: • Introducing a third hourly user fee to incentivize use past typical weeknight hours along with extending operating hours beyond 11pm. • Investigating the feasibility of extending the ice-in season in terms of ice integrity, building temperature control, etc. • Building non-prime time ice use, wherever possible. Recommendations F 1. Conduct a detailed feasibility study for a third ice pad at the Community Centre. F 2. In advance of providing a third

F 3. Conduct a detailed feasibility

study to determine the need for new/updated Community Centre facility components including existing (health/fitness club, senior centre, rental space), and new (multi-purpose program space, gymnasium) facilities.

ice pad, work with ice users to determine the cost-benefit of

approaches to optimizing the use of the two existing pads to better meet scheduling requirements.


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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