2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

Gymnasium, Indoor Track, and Multi- Purpose Program Space

Existing rooms at the Community Centre that are used for programming were designed as single purpose rental spaces for banquets, meetings, etc. As such, they cannot adequately meet the range of community interests and support potential service development, as discussed in the program section of the Master Plan. Moreover, rentals of the Lions Den, Lions Auditorium, and Marwood Lounge generally take priority over programming due to the revenues they generate. This effectively makes programming a secondary – as opposed to a primary – use of the Community Centre by limiting continuous access to the spaces that are most amenable to providing programs. The pool area concept plan noted above indicates a small (390 sq. ft.) multi-purpose room. More multi-purpose space is needed, however, to build a strong base of diverse programs to serve current and future residents. In the short-term, it is recommended that either the Lions Den or the Marwood Lounge (when not being used for viewing ice activities) be designated as a program room first, with rentals taking second priority. In choosing either the Marwood Lounge or the Lions Den as dedicated program space, the relative impact of doing so should be evaluated in-house. This approach will provide two multi-purpose program rooms now, while retaining one for rental purposes. The feasibility study for the Community Centre can be used to determine the overall need for multi-purpose spaces and how these existing rental spaces will fit into the final plan.

The new facility requests that emerged in consultation with the community are not surprising given the evolution of municipal provision generally. Community recreation complexes now typically include gyms, indoor tracks, and spaces that are designed, equipped, and finished to accommodate a wide variety of uses including active sports/ fitness, events, social interaction, arts, etc. Collectively, these facilities - particularly when co-located with an indoor pool - offer opportunities for cross-programming and training. As multi-purpose facilities, gyms can accommodate a variety of net court sports (tennis, volleyball, pickleball, badminton, and basketball), as well as other active recreation uses. As noted above, Glendale Secondary School is the only full size gym in Tillsonburg and access to it for programming is limited. A municipal gym would be a beneficial addition to facility supply and would allow full time use for both Town and community group programs/activities. Section 3.2.1 discussed providing an indoor track as part of a third ice pad. If, from a design perspective, a new pad cannot accommodate a track, providing an elevated track as part of a gymnasium should be considered.


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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