2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …


All multi-purpose spaces should optimize design for the widest range of uses possible, while minimizing the potential for conflicts in sharing space (e.g., scheduling, access to prime/non-prime hours). As such, configuration, equipment, flooring, finishes, etc. need to support all intended uses/users of each space. Although strong demand for performing arts space did not emerge in consultation, opportunities to incorporate these uses can also be considered in the gym and/or multi-purpose space design.

F 6. Upon evaluating the relative impacts of doing so, designate the Lions Den or the Marwood Lounge as a program room first, with rentals taking second priority, to provide more guaranteed program space in the short-term. F 7. Plan to add a gym and more multi- purpose space(s) to future facility supply, to be assessed as part of the feasibility study.

Figure 3-1: Crow’s Theatre, Toronto


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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