2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …


For pickleball, seven (7) dedicated facilities generate a supply ration of 1 court for every 2,785 (19,503/7). Applying this figure to projected growth to 2034 indicates the need for a total of: • 4.2 (27,514/6,500) dedicated tennis courts or up to two more • 9.8 (27,514/2,785) dedicated pickleball courts or up to three more than currently exist, including making the four existing pop-up courts permanent. Pickleball continues to grow rapidly, and many municipalities are ‘catching up’ to demand. At the same time, tennis participation has also been on the upswing in recent years. A 2018 study on frequent players3 shows the appeal of tennis to youth and young adults, as well as its potential to engage newcomers to Canada in community sport. While more recent data on Canadian trends in tennis participation are not readily available, U.S. information shows a resurgence in growth: “over the two-year period from 2019 through 2021, tennis has experienced a 27.9% boom in participation, adding around 4.9 million players.”4 3 https://www.tenniscanada.com/wp-content/ uploads/2019/07/04.-Tennis-Participation-Data- and-Statistics-to-Assist-in-Facility-Planning.pdf 4 https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2022/03/20/ tennis-participation-bounced-even-higher-in- 2021-up-279-since-2019/?sh=564e96ff45f5 For these reasons, as well as differences across communities in the popularity of both sports, it will be important to confirm the Master Plan’s preliminary supply projections through a court study.

F 16. Introduce a rotating monitoring

program to start with the opening of the new pickleball and resurfaced

tennis courts, including the pop- up courts, to document the use of all courts and indicators of unmet demand. F 17. Use the results of the monitoring

program to inform a court study to confirm future need for both types of courts based on findings related to actual use, interest in community club formation, and the location/ configuration of future courts.

F 18. Preliminary supply projections for the term of the Plan, to be confirmed in the court study,

comprise providing up to two more dedicated tennis courts (for a total of 5) and three more dedicated pickleball courts (for a total of 10).


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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