2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

3.4 Strategic Approach to Facility Provision

In updating building and facility conditions, including functional assessments will be beneficial to determining the potential for existing spaces to meet intended programming purposes. This will inform work on the potential to repurpose/renovate existing spaces to meet current and future program needs vs. replacing existing infrastructure. This work should also include a review of cooling/fresh air input options for summer use of the arena floors. Prioritize facility upgrades/improvements from the AMP in the 10-year capital budget The AMP will identify facility capital repair needs to be incorporated in the 10-year capital budget. Some of these will be critical to implement in the short term and should be assigned priority. Those that are not essential and/or may be deferred until facility studies are complete should be identified. In some cases, it may be less costly to implement potentially non-essential upgrades while attending to mandatory repairs rather than coming back later to address the former. Opportunities to do so can be considered at the time professional services to do the work are engaged. Prepare studies and concept plans to confirm facility needs, locations and approaches to phased provision The following outlines a comprehensive approach to future facility provision in Tillsonburg. It is intended to provide a high

A proposed strategic approach to future facility provision in Tillsonburg integrates needed capital repairs to existing facilities, potential need for additions to supply through redevelopment or new construction, and location considerations. It involves the following steps, some of which will comprise concurrent work, and are discussed further below: • Update 2022 building and outdoor recreation facility conditions assessments during the Plan’s timeframe and incorporate findings in the Asset Management Plan (AMP) • Prioritize facility upgrades/ improvements from the AMP in the 10- year capital budget • Prepare studies and concept plans to confirm facility needs, locations and approaches to phased provision Update 2022 building and outdoor recreation facility conditions assessments during the Pan’s timeframe and incorporate findings in the AMP The Town’s Asset Management Policy outlines its purpose and approach to managing capital assets, including indoor and outdoor sport, recreation, heritage facilities and land improvements. The Town’s current Asset Management Plan (2022) covers core assets: roads, storm, bridges and structural culverts. It does not include parks and recreation assets, which will be incorporated in the Asset Management Plan to comply with current legislation.


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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