2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

43% Of respondents use parks, trails, and outdoor facilities* Top four parks used: • David Johnson Memorial Dog Park (22%)

4.1.2 What We Heard

The following pages provide an overview of what we heard during consultations about parks and trails, from a high level (i.e. opinions and use of parks and trails “overall”). Additional more specific feedback is also included throughout this assessment. Common sentiments among all consultation activities include: • Need for new and updated park amenities (e.g. playgrounds, water stations, shade structures, picnic tables) • Improvements to trails including wayfinding, lighting, connectivity and accessibility, along with suggestions for new segments • Specific sites identified as in need • Number of park buildings that are underused: Gibson House, Summer Palace, Pigeon Barn, Crystal Palace among them • Strong support for environmentally focused park practices including protecting water quality at Lake Lisgar, planting more native trees, and naturalization of attention, or with untapped potential, including Lake Lisgar, Annandale Diamonds, Memorial Park, Coronation Park

• Memorial Park (18%) • Coronation Park (18%) • Elliot Fairbairn Park (11%)

38% Of respondents were satisfied with parks and trails in Tillsonburg**


Indicated that they do not think the Town’s parks or trails require improvements*

Of those who responded yes improvements are needed (15% or 45 respondents), the top improvements listed were: • increased maintenance/ beautification (30%) • more shade, seating, lighting, etc (26%) • and dog off-leash areas (24%)


Felt improvement and/or expansion in parks, outdoor sports facilities, trails and open space should be top priority**

• 68% use trails • 66% participate in

self-directed sports/ physical activity (e.g. cycling, running/walking, swimming, etc.)

• 52% participate in organized sports

*Random Household Telephone Survey ** Online Survey


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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